your turn to write

today, at this natural reflection point between all of the christmas festivities and the coming new year,
i’d like you to consider your reaction to the holidays so far.

have your days been harried and stressful?
or have you approached them with serene awareness?


what have you done to bring balance and mindfulness to your celebrations?



do you make a list of goals or resolutions each new year?
if so, do you tend to keep your promises to yourself?
or do you often find yourself veering off track?


have you ever thought about choosing a single word to be your theme?


a word that would represent how you’d like your year to manifest itself?
a word that would be the primary focus guiding your way?

(more on my word of the year after the holidays.)


lots of questions for you to contemplate this week.
and i’m curious to hear your responses.

tell me about your holiday celebrations and your aspirations for 2013.

i look forward to the sharing of ideas.



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