your power

you already have the power
you’re holding it

perhaps not in your hand
not yet
but it’s there

maybe it’s stuffed way down inside
the years of doubt and insecurity
wrapped firmly around it, so now
the tightly wound ball
is hard to unravel

but it’s there
i promise you

the courage to take that first step
the strength to do what you need or want to do
the confidence to be who you are

think about how it would feel

with no one pushing you down
again and again
nothing burying you
in its heaviness

a chance to breathe
without fear keeping
your breaths shallow

you can start small

by simply listening to your feelings
beginning to understand them and
to understand their message

journaling your wildly chaotic thoughts
talking to someone you trust
creating a detailed self-rescue plan

it’s not easy i know
it feels frightening
perhaps even dangerous

and it won’t happen quickly
it will take starts and stops
triumphs but mistakes too

yet it’s vitally important

because reclaiming your power
is crucial to living your life

a life that can only get
better and better
once you’ve realigned with
your power

“in the midst of winter, i found there was, within me, an invincible summer. and that makes me happy. for it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

~albert camus

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