yes, you are worth it.

weightless poem
are you still battling your eating disorder mind?
are the last vestiges of your illness still stubbornly clinging
to the corners of your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors?

here it is.
a challenging-yet-compassionate nudge.

to take that next step.
into the heart of your eating disorder recovery.
into eating disorder discovery.

the emotions are intense, i know.
but the wish to move on with one’s life is even more powerful.

join me january 25 for this first run of my new e-course.
an inward exploration of hope and delight.
a soulful odyssey of wholeness and peace.

weightless: an essence7 journey to a life.

are you seeking this vital but missing piece of the puzzle?
(or is someone near & dear to you struggling?)

sign up now (or encourage your loved one to do so).

you will seriously be hugging yourself.
for putting yourself first.
for believing in yourself.
for following my 7 essential elements back to your essence.
untethered integration.
wave a complete and final goodbye to your eating disorder.
pay attention to the most important person in your life.
discover the true you.
experience a full and joyful life once again.

yes, you have permission to love yourself.
yes, you are worth it.
an eating disorder.
and you.

the path to recovery.
almost there.

the final leg of your journey.
with me.
january 25, 2016 takeoff.
7 weeks.
view the itinerary.

weightless: the e-course

weightless (ecourse marketing smaller)
click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to the essence7 journey as my gift to you!)
get my free course!


4 Responses to yes, you are worth it.

  1. Congratulations, I am confident you will help many people.

  2. Bon says:

    I love the way you write, April.

    Good luck with this lovely course and what a wonderful day on which to start it (Mercury goes direct on the 25th). Fresh starts in the RIGHT direction!


  3. April says:

    What a wonderful course, April! I went through the itinerary and it is a highly comprehensive course with a high level of involvement and support from you offered at an INCREDIBLY generous price. Your passion shines through and your participants will undoubtedly have a transformative experience. Wonderful of you to open up these workshops to an online course so you can help so many more people! Rock on, sister!!

  4. yes, you have permission to love yourself.
    yes, you are worth it.

    Those words, those words are for all of us with or without a history of disordered eating and truly? It tough to live in this country with its cacophony of nutritional advice and fear-based dogma and not have experienced some degree of that. Brava for bringing your work front and center, April.

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