Why you should NOT come to my retreat in Italy

Why you should NOT come to my retreat in Italy:  

  1. You’ve decided to stay stuck in a lifestyle that feels safe. Perhaps a bit boring, maybe not very satisfying, even disappointing or unfulfilling at times. And possibly not genuinely safe either, just what you’ve become accustomed to each and every day.
  2. You’ve decided to give up on the dreams you once entertained. After all, you’re getting older and it’s silly to hang on to them for so long. Finally reaching them may not accomplish anything anyway (other than a sense of freedom and unparalleled joy).
  3. You don’t feel ready for exciting transformational shifts to take place in your life, the kind that happen when you commit to making an investment in yourself. Other people’s needs are more important than your own.
  4. You like simply imagining the things you’d like to do. Taking decisive action means the possibility of failure (and what could be worse than that?). You don’t really care if you ever feel in touch with who you are and what you’re all about (which ironically happens even when you fail, as long as you’re willing to try).
  5. You probably only have 2 or 3 more decades left on this earth, and that’s not really that much time. It’s no use going to all of the effort to pursue what you’ve always wanted to do.

Why you SHOULD come to my retreat in Italy:

  1. You want to stop imagining your best life, and begin living it instead. You want to embark on an amazing self-discovery journey.
  2. You want to stop hiding, stop pretending, stop doing whatever it is that makes you feel small.
  3. You haven’t been able to connect to your inner courage lately, you’re not feeling particularly bold. But you know your brave self is there, it just needs a little coaxing now and then.
  4. You don’t feel completely ready to take such a big step. Yet even so, you know you want to experience this life-changing magic.
  5. You feel, deep down, that the time has come to reawaken your essence. You’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this and you know you can do it, with me cheering you on.

I incorporated my company 7 years ago today, on 2/22/11, when I was almost 48 years old. essence7 wellness has undergone many changes and renovations, and is still very much a work-in-progress. There have been ups and downs, worries and joys, lean years and abundance. But the creation of my coaching business remains the BEST thing I’ve ever done for myself.

(Did I mention I was almost 48 years old when I took that leap? And I was 53 when I took an even bigger one and began a whole new life in Italy!)

It is NEVER EVER TOO LATE to go after your dreams. Make a commitment to yourself NOW by attending THE ARRIVAL in beautiful Tuscany, May 20-25.

Five days to devote to YOU, at Villa Magnolia. To relax and reassess, to experience authentic Italian experiences, to dive deep into all that is important to you, with me as your in-person guide.

Have you heard this saying before? “What you put your attention on grows.” Focusing on your deepest desires and dreams will help bring them to light. And there is no better place to do so than in a new environment where your sense of awareness will be magnified, away from all that is overly familiar (to the point of distraction).

Please consider this gift to yourself. It’s the very best coaching I have to offer, and the invitation will only be open a bit longer.




TUSCANY, ITALY | MAY 20-25, 2018


THE ARRIVAL (may 2018)

[Click on the image above for more information!]



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