when we reach for the stars

when we reach for the stars,
should our feet leave the ground?

sometimes it seems as if we must
suspend reality for awhile,
behave as if our fears weren’t
rooted to the earth quite so firmly.

it may all come toppling down of course,
like a child’s building blocks once proudly
boasting the perfect skyscraper.

but who knows?
maybe the structure is strong enough
that another level can be added,
with a rooftop garden and a private elevator to the sky.
the foundation may have been there all along.


are you reaching for the stars?

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26 Responses to when we reach for the stars

  1. Yes, reaching for the stars instead of being stuck in fear is my life’s goal in a nutshell! It is always a fear vs. freedome equation. Fear is a custom-fit shackle and what makes each of us fearful is unique to the individual. And in my worldview, fear and freedom are at constant war. It is a good vs. evil, God vs. Satan struggle. Fear is Satan’s most effective and easy tool with which to cripple, discourage and destroy. The lies we believe that are just not true. John 4:31,3231 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
    When I feel myself getting bogged down and believing the wrong thing, I go to the truth, take heart in the power that is there, and know that He loves me beyond understanding and as a loving Father, wants the best for me. Satan hates me and wants my destruction. Re-evaluating WHO is am listening to, believing and following gives me the freedom my soul craves. After all, I John 4:4 “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” Here’s to freedom…..boo to fear!!! Reach for the stars!

    • April Lee says:

      although you and i have very different world views, i agree that freedom and fear are on opposite ends of the spectrum. in my opinion, however, fear does serve an important purpose. it alerts us to that which needs our immediate attention. although often unpleasant, fear is our wake-up call that something isn’t quite right. i don’t look upon fear as evil – i view it as an opportunity instead. how will we respond to our situation? the choice is ours. and in that choice lies true freedom.

  2. Stacey says:

    I suppose on one hand I am reaching for the stars – believing that I can push past any obstacle to live the life I was meant to live…the life of my dreams. At times I fall prey to fear and my own judgment, but when I release that negativity, the world opens up again and the sky speaks to me in darkness and light that guides me to the place where I shine. Thanks April!

  3. Sara Yamtich says:

    Yes, I reach for stars
    As if compelled by some unseeable force
    I reach, feet planted
    Arms outstretched

    Perhaps the ground falls away
    Just an inch, and only a moment
    The briefest feeling of panic

    Until my hand closes
    Around some white hot light
    That tingles instead of burns
    And promises to bring me home

    <3 !!!

  4. Nathalie says:

    Oh, April, how I’ve missed reading your posts. YES, I’m definitely reaching for the stars and I’m actually teaching my kids to do the same. And if something doesn’t work out as planned, there’s already something even greater waiting for you…

    • April Lee says:

      nathalie! i’ve missed your visits! your last sentence reminded me so much of my mom. she used to always say that too. πŸ™‚ thank you for putting a smile on my face.

  5. non incautus futuri says:

    Fear of the unknown paralyzes us. When we use our reasoning minds to apprehend reality and understand what was previously unknown, the feared thing often transforms into an opportunity, the judicious exploitation of which may still call for much caution.

    The starting point is an objective view of the universe, without which we are doomed to the mystical view of the stars not as something to be reached for, but as heavenly bodies to be feared.

  6. Ella says:

    Awakened the poet in me! Makes me want to go write new poems!

    But you made a very good point here. I for one also dwell on fears at some point.I value and honor the feeling it gives. It gives us to a sense of realization that action needs to take place. But as I to up, arms stretched and try to reach for the stars, I imagine myself flying instead. But flying doesn’t mean wearing off humility. I guess the beauty there is wearing humility while you soar high above the ground.

  7. Mui says:

    Love your poetic musings as always April! You’re so right, I think the foundation has always been there for me but for a long time I never trusted that it was strong enough, or indeed if it was even there! 2014 has been a fantastic year for me. I believe in myself so much more now. And yes I am definitely reaching for the stars!

  8. Puja Madan says:

    I love your poems April. They move me right to the heart (and I’m ALWAYS looking for more opportunities to do that :)). In my own life, I’ve found that the more grounded I’ve been, the easier it has been for me to reach for the stars. It seems almost ironic but a solid foundation allows for all and any kind of additions. Thanks for the inspiration. Love xo

  9. April says:

    Beautiful as always April! I think for me I have to determine if my fear is a realistic one or an imagined one. One protects while the other suppresses. Very inspiring April!

  10. Susie says:

    This post reminds me of a visit we had to the planetarium with our kids when they were you. As the lights dimmed and the stars got brighter my daughter stood on my lap literally reaching for the stars. She’s 18 yrs old now & still reaching πŸ™‚

  11. Heather says:

    I agree with Susie, it reminds me of lying out in the grass when I was younger, looking up at the stars, wondering what in the world was beyond us. Now I do this with my kids!

  12. victoria m. says:

    I like Puja’s comment about the irony in being more grounded helping her reach for the stars… I have found the same to be true for me. But the secret is to be grounded to your greater self, otherwise the ego will give you plenty of reasons why shooting for the stars is a no-no.

    As always, thanks for your beautiful notes.

  13. I love the idea of reaching for the stars. It’s a strong reminder that what we reach for doesn’t have to be safe and easy to achieve! Dream big baby.

  14. Cathy says:

    I always use the image of a tree – being firmly rooted in order to grow higher. But you’re right: to make it to the stars, we have to let go at some point…

  15. Michelle says:

    I’ve been reaching for the stars for as long as I can remember. πŸ™‚

    I often come crashing back down to earth. But the bruises heal. And then I go right back out there to experience the magic once again.

  16. Elizabeth MacLeod says:

    when we reach for the stars, should our feet leave the ground. I. Love. this.

    And I don’t know. I love what you say, that perhaps the foundation has always been there. πŸ™‚ this is so beautiful. You really have me pondering. I needed to ponder this in this moment. Thank you April …. xo

  17. Dana says:

    Brought back memories of lying on the grass as kids counting stars and feeling free..great image for letting go and moving forward April.

  18. Maria says:

    Reaching for the stars is profound – taking the steps along the way is the inspiration. Thank you April – just beautiful reminder – all is possible. Yes and YES! <3

  19. Cathy Sykora says:

    As always, a beautiful post! I think it is important to reach for the stars. There are always going to be fear and reservation, but I think that being stagnated by fear is one of the worst fates there is. Even if I don’t reach the star I’m aiming for, there is usually progress made and I can always learn from what didn’t work and try again. Or even better, I may find a star that is better suited in the process!

  20. Deb says:

    Love your poetry.

    I am reaching out to publish 6 books, and go on a global book and public speaking tour in 2015!

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