what i need for 2019

i kept my word of the year to myself
during the month of january.
testing it out,
seeing how it fits.

and now the verdict is in.
it’s exactly what i need for 2019.

because sometimes i forget to EXHALE.

often, in fact.
i find myself holding my breath,
for what, i’m not always sure.

i’ve known for awhile
that i tend to do this
when i’m anxious.
but i’ve also discovered
that i hold my breath
when i’m super-focused as well.

for years breathing deeply has been
my go-to stress reliever.
but only when i pay attention.
when i am mindful of that moment.

breathing is one of the most important
components of qigong.
so my daily practice has helped immensely.
and it’s always welcome (albeit difficult)
when dealing with my sinus issues.

a long deep EXHALE is crucial
when releasing feelings that entrap me,
that prevent me from thriving.
like fear and anger, resentment and regret.

it’s also time to EXHALE deeply,
after metaphorically holding my breath,
through the remaining unfamiliarity and bewilderment
that accompanies my still-new-to-me life in italy.

in 2019, i’ll be remembering to EXHALE.

  • recently the letter X has been showing up in my life in mysterious ways, prompting me to incorporate it into my word of the year (the first verb i’ve ever chosen)
  • following that theme, i’ve chosen four additional action words to support EXHALE: experience, express, explore, and expand


have you had a chance to read MY INTERVIEW with cinzia at instantly italy yet?

i am so honored and thrilled!


my june retreat is FULL!
and my may retreat is filling!

there are still a few spots available,
if you act NOW . . .


the delicious details:



One Response to what i need for 2019

  1. Anne Mmartino says:

    Sound like you now can exhale all the bad in your life and except, experince, and hopefully enjoy the good that life can bring!!

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