What I Am Reading

I love books. And I enjoy reading multiple books at a time, ready for whatever strikes my mood of the moment.

Here is a glimpse into what I am currently reading:

1 – A Year in the World: Journeys of a Passionate Traveller by Frances Mayes

Mayes’ delicious prose makes even the mundane a thing of beauty and wonder, to contemplate and devour. Known to many as the author of Under the Tuscan Sun, she opens one’s eyes to the richness of travel through her keen awareness of herself and the world. I am especially enamored with her section on Portugal, as my husband and I are hoping to make our home there within the coming year. Mayes reminds and informs me of all that I already love and all I will come to love about this country. The images she weaves with her words invite me to imagine and discover and explore.

2 – Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too by Jenni Schaefer, with Thom Rutledge

An enlightening and honest appraisal of the path to recovery from the depths of an eating disorder. I was able to hear Jenni speak in person last October at the National Eating Disorders Association Conference in San Antonio, Texas (and she kindly autographed my book). I especially appreciated Thom’s input (as her therapist) at the end of each section.

3 – 101 Essential Tips: Basic/Everyday Meditation (DK) by Naomi Ozaniec
4 – Breath Perception: A Daily Guide to Stress Relief, Mindfulness, and Inner Peace (Dr. Barbara Ann Kipfer)

In late May, I began reading one entry in each of these two books every morning. And I have begun to experience a shift in the way I approach and respond to events and people. When I have finished reading through both of them (101 lessons and 260 lessons respectively), I will begin rereading my favorite exercises (which are duly noted).

5 – Skills-Based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method by Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith, Anne Crane

Not only an insightful and thorough look at family-based treatment, this book is also an important and supportive tool for those with loved ones struggling through an eating disorder.

6 – The Art Therapy Sourcebook by Cathy A. Malchiodi

This book contains a plethora of ideas for my work as a counselor/coach. Through the years, I have discovered the wisdom of exploring oneself through art as part of the therapeutic process. Sometimes it is difficult to put one’s deepest thoughts and feelings into words. Art therapy provides an alternative to talk therapy, an expressive and creative pathway to healing.

7 – Gabrielle by Kathleen Norris

I always always always have a lighthearted mystery, international spy thriller, or private detective story close at hand. Kathleen Norris is on my short list of preferred authors who can spin a tale of gothic intrigue and romance (within the setting of a large and stately mansion, of course). Good writing, escapist fun.

8 – Love, Lucy by Lucille Ball, with Betty Hannah Hoffman

I did love Lucy. And I love her even more after diving into this book! This is Lucy’s autobiography through 1964, which was discovered by her children after her death. A down-to earth journey into this beloved comedian’s humble beginnings, trials and fears.

9 – A Walk on the Beach: Tales of Wisdom from an Unconventional Woman by Joan Anderson

As a psychology major, I had of course encountered and studied Erik Erikson’s stages of human development. A few years later I was introduced to his wife, Joan Erikson (who collaborated with her husband in all of his groundbreaking work), in Joan Anderson’s book A Year by the Sea. What a rare gift Anderson has given us in this book dedicated in its entirety to this remarkable woman.

10 – Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

In 1998, I committed to reading an entry a day from this motivational and transformational book. In January 2015, seventeen years later, I decided to give it a second run-through. I have changed a lot from the woman I was then, with one young son and another on the way. The wisdom in this book has not.

11 – Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

What can I even say about this book? I am rereading it. Again. I have been an avid and voracious reader since I could first sound out letters, and this gift from Lindbergh remains at the top of my best-loved list. It is a must-read for every woman (and for every man) who values growth and movement in their lives. I personally find it a stunning piece of work.

12 – The Writer’s Jungle by Julie Bogart

The way writing should be discussed, taught, explored. This manual serves a dual purpose in my own life – as a guide for my own writing and as the most valuable tool in my role as home educator.

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6 Responses to What I Am Reading

  1. April says:

    I LOVE reading and I LOVE this post!! You just added a bunch to my wish list!! (The Art Therapy Sourcebook, Love Lucy and A Walk on the Beach). My most impactful recent reads have been, “Jane Eyre’s Sisters” by Jody Gentian Bower and “Mindset” by Carol Dweck. Life changing reads for me. Thanks for the great post April!

  2. Michelle says:

    I looooove seeing other people’s bookshelves. #bookjunkie 🙂

    Tonight, I am finishing The King’s Curse. I am happy that it’s over. I adore Phillipa Gregory, but I am done with her Tudor series. “Done” as in “enough already!” :/ Too dark.

    I do highly recommend The Other Boleyn Girl and The Constant Princess, however. Engrossing reads.

  3. Michelle says:

    And everyone should read The White Queen, which is not part of her Tudor series. What. A. Book.

  4. Wow quite the reading list. I haven’t read any, but I am interested in The Writer’s Jungle and Gift From the Sea, I shall add them to my to-read list now.

  5. Lovely list, April, thank you. We have a few of the same titles and tastes. Surprise, surprise. I love Frances Mayes; I need to pick up that boo. Right now I’m reading Picnic in Provence by Elizabeth Bard as I get ready for my next trip to France. Bliss. xxoo

  6. Cathy Sykora says:

    I love the variety in the selections you are currently reading! I have been reading a couple by Pete Egoscue, “The Egoscue Method of Healing Through Motion” and “Pain Free”. Reading has always been something I love and it’s always been my goal to have a home library. The more books the better!

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