wellness around the world: the south american edition / CHILE

[one year ago, i focused my attention on the wellness habits of six european countries with the installment of my first “wellness around the world” series (the european edition). my plan is to continue that tradition whenever and wherever i travel outside the u.s.]

[welcome to the second installment of my “wellness around the world” series . . .
part 1 of my 2-part mini-series,
wellness around the world: the south american edition. today’s spotlight is on chile.]


almost 3000 miles long, only 110 miles across.
a country of stunning physical contrasts.

from the capital city of santiago and the dramatic andes mountains

to the pristine sandy and rugged rocky beaches.

from copper production in the mines
to the countryside where avocados, olives, oranges, and lemons are harvested.

from fresh seafood in the ocean
to the vineyards from which famous chilean wines are yielded.

it is also a country of kind, friendly, proud, courageous people.
who have endured both earthquakes and political coups.


how do the residents of chile incorporate wellness into their daily lives?

  • by spending time outdoors
  • by eating fresh and delicious food
  • by maintaining their smiles and laughter
  • by displaying their patriotic pride


my take-away:

not only is the coastal air and general atmosphere fresh and inviting but,
despite all of the setbacks the chilean people have endured,
good humor, camaraderie, and a sense of never-giving-up is evident.
everywhere you go.

[descriptive words that immediately came to mind upon my first visit to chile.]

do you stay in a positive frame of mind despite difficulties and hardships?
or do you dwell on what has been lost and on what cannot be fixed?
are you able to quickly and easily pick yourself back up?

even after intense setbacks.
(and let me know about your plan in the comments.)

[i have been keeping an extensive photo journal of my south american trip on facebook.
if you’d like to read more about my adventures, friend me! i’m april m lee.]
get my free course!

16 Responses to wellness around the world: the south american edition / CHILE

  1. Beautiful! I think being outdoors in nature, eating fresh foods and smiling/laughing are some of the best ways to achieve wellness. Sounds like the Chilean people understand some essentials.

  2. Barbara Coon says:

    Your images of Chili’s beautiful farmlands sheltered between the ocean and mountains makes me more appreciative of my daily avocados! It’s fascinating to me that you can observe the Chilean people’s endurance and never giving up attitude from your travels. Bring back some South American camaraderie, please.

  3. What a fun series 🙂 Absolutely love all of your photos. Looks like Chile is going to have to go on my travel list!

  4. Beth K .Bedbury says:

    What beautiful pictures. This reminded me of the check out clerk I had yesterday. She asked if I was happy that day, so instead of the usually, I’m okay the normal neutral answer. I looked at the clerk and told her, yes I was very happy today. She stopped an looked at me for a second. She had several cranky people before me and I made her smile.

  5. Kelly Hine says:

    It seems that often those who’ve endured more hardship complain the least and appreciate little things all the more. While those who have so much look for what isn’t perfect and complain about it! We choose: keep track of everything that isn’t perfect or count your blessings. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of Chile and your insights!

  6. farah says:

    Captivating indeed! Such simple practices to do each day for wellness too. No coastal air where I am right now, but getting out in nature is always available and often underused. Lovely pictures 🙂

  7. Maria says:

    great post – just reminds me that we all one and no matter where we are, if we are conscious to our choices – even though life presents diverse experiences, it is really how we perceive that matters. Great images April – I feel like I am there with you 🙂

  8. Susie says:

    Love your pix April!
    Being mindful of our choices in thought, food, actions is a way to stay present and conscious. I am determined to make/live my last year in my 40 in gratitude. It is a daily practice and it affects my energy positively.

  9. Julia says:

    Gorgeous pictures, April. This is a great reminder for me to enjoy the outdoors and eat fresh, simple foods. I’m going to make something simple and delicious right now. And, enjoy it with a Chilean inspired smile on my face!

  10. victoria m. says:

    This is so great! I love your idea of looking at wellness habits from around the world. I don’t know much about Chile but I love how their mindset reminds positive despite the setbacks they’ve experienced, a MUST in life if one is to achieve one’s goals.

  11. April says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pictorial series April!!! Please share more!! I so enjoy what you share and how you share it. Amazing!! 🙂 Safe travels my friend!!

  12. Michelle says:

    Loved. This. You are so creative! I now have a yearning to visit Chile!

    I’m an artistic, highly sensitive type. Therefore, when I crash, I crash HARD. But I always pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again. That is my theme song. No, really. It is a song. Have you ever heard it? The Diana Krall version is my favorite. Coinkidinkally, I was JUST writing about it today on the plane. Of course I was. Because we are connected that way, April! 😉

    Can’t wait to hear about the wellness habits of Argentinians. Or is it Argentinans? 🙂

  13. Cathy Sykora says:

    What a lovely adventure and place! It sounds like they have a wonderful environment for great health with their activity, eating, and attitude. When it comes down to it, those are the key factors for health. I think that a good attitude can make such a huge difference between joy and misery.

  14. Puja Madan says:

    Great post April. I love the pics and the suggestions. Spending time outdoors and making food and laughter a priority are such wonderful ideas to stay and live well. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to your next one! xo

  15. Anne Omland says:

    Love these Chilean tips! And, to answer your question, I think I allow myself to feel any sadness or negative feelings but then am able to pick myself up again. When I bottle them up, they tend to hang around for much longer. Great article!

  16. Sam says:

    Oh I love this. What a measure of wellness – how often you smile and laugh.

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