two words actually

i will miss my 2015 word of the year.

it was a good word, and it served me well.

i wanted to feel vibrant, animated, exhilarated.
i wanted to delight in being alive, spontaneously encounter joy.
i wanted to experience a sense of “joie de vivre” with every breath.


i feel as if i got it all.
now it’s time to wave goodbye to #aprilmlee2015esprit.
i think my new word for the new year chose me:
the arrival

two words actually, and for a few reasons:

  • the arrival in italy later this year (just as the hot sun begins to fade and the leaves prepare for their autumn splendor)
  • the arrival of my company’s true calling (all of the details have been falling into place)
  • weightless: the arrival (the name of my upcoming retreat-no-more experiences in italy)

here we go . . . #thearrival2016aprilmlee.
some of you may remember my set of stacking rings from last year.
emblazoned with my words from 2011 to 2015:

untethered.  bold.  wave.  audacious.  esprit.

they were wonderful reminders that kept me aware and motivated.
to dream, to do.
every time i glanced at my hand.
so i decided to purchase a new inspirational set for 2016:

the arrival.  
villa magnolia.

essence7 - weightless - the arrival - villa magnolia
i had hoped to have my vision board completed in time for this post as well.
unfortunately i had unexpected and sad news this week.
and my focus was a bit off.

it throws us curve balls now and then.

did you pick a word of the year for 2016?
or do you have another way to symbolize this traditional fresh start?

please share your new year’s intentions below.
an eating disorder.
and you.

the path to recovery.
almost there.

the final leg of your journey.
with me.
january 25, 2016 takeoff.
7 weeks.
view the itinerary.

weightless: the e-course

weightless (ecourse marketing smaller)
click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to the essence7 journey as my gift to you!)
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10 Responses to two words actually

  1. Ferris says:

    I love your phrase of the year April, what a juicy intention, to arrive! Makes me want to say ‘ta da’ and play a fanfare to usher you in to all that newness.

    I didn’t plan on a word for this year, but one chose me, ‘magic’.
    There is magic and wonder everywhere, if only I choose to see it. I started off the year saying to the world ‘show me the magic’, only to realise my role is to be the magic, to be the magic I truly be.
    So, magic is my focus, being it, seeing it, appreciating it, living it and truly stepping into it 🙂

  2. Shae says:

    I have two words for 2016: abundance and connection. This is actually not an exercise I normally ever do but I felt compelled to do it this year.

  3. April says:

    “To arrive” ahhhh, wonderful word(s). I think mine is BOLD. I’m feeling it, I’m taking action on it and this empowers me. I love the rings, I love your plans, and I love your intention! (I’m sorry about the sad news and I am sending love your way!)

  4. Cathy says:

    Great word! In reading about your finding Villa Magnolia, though the word might not have come to mind, the sense was that you’d arrived. The great thing about an arrival is that it’s an open door or a clean page from which to start fresh and move forward…which, I suppose, fits in with your course. Letting it all swirl around my head, it lights me up with excitement for you this year!

    My word is Expression: all about being and doing and saying who I am in every sense. Giving voice to my inner world as a way of enhancing the outer.

  5. Angela says:

    I LOVE your rings April!

    My word is COURAGE because I’m going to need it this year!!


  6. Faithful Courage. I am taking the leaps in 2016. Great post!

  7. I clung tightly to the word spaciousness for three whole years. Just couldn’t let it go! This year it’s EASE. I even breathe easier just repeating it. Now, before I do anything at all, I ask myself, “Does this speak ease?” Ha, I may keep this one around a few years, too. Perhaps I keep them around until I truly embody them. Now I’m off to find the link for those bracelets. 😉

  8. Erin says:

    I hadn’t given it much thought before this, but inspired I will go with “faith”. Faith that things will unravel as they should without force.

  9. Jul's says:

    I love your all your words past and what a wonderful word combo for this year…The Arrival…so excited for you. I love your stacking rings…what a fabulous idea!

    2016 is the year of two words for me as well…Magnetic Abundance!

    Happy new life in Italy, so very soon!

  10. Michelle says:

    I remember your rings from last year. And your word. Esprit. That one stuck with me. Such a great word.

    I love the arrival. It’s very similar to mine this year: fruition. 🙂

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