
leaving italy november 2020

i am fascinated with tunnels

there are many in italy
throughout the european continent
and going through one
becomes a commonplace event
when traveling anywhere

i think they’re interesting
even strikingly beautiful at times

they remind me of spy novels
and they make the best photos

i don’t always love being inside a tunnel though
especially when it’s miles long

oh, it’s not horrible, not impossible, to be in there
and the darkness offers a unique perspective
but it can be slightly uncomfortable

emerging out the other side
back into the bright sunshine
always seems to elicit a silent sigh of relief

a tunnel is such a metaphor for life

leaving your past, heading towards your future
a symbol of the paths you might take
and the challenges you might encounter along the way

moving through darkness
pushing through obstacles
beginnings and endings
with light and hope, reassurance, waiting just beyond

evolving over the course of your journey
your very own metamorphosis story

my return to italy september 2022


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