three middle-aged women and three barbies.

ACK and so it begins

sometimes you just have to grab your two very best friends,
and your barbies,
and set off on an epic road trip.

then simply watch the magic unfold . . .

ACK april on horse

ACK mountain and rocks

ACK carol in front seat

ACK airbnb house

ACK muted mountains

ACK misted mountains on going-to-the-sun road

ACK tea party for 6

ACK barbies at tea party (carol's)

ACK kids with barbies

ACK guy with barbies

ACK barbies at snow bridge

ACK favorite spot logan pass

ACK continental divide

ACK me and kellee at st mary lake

ACK kellee seatbelting me in

ACK acorn rock at logan pass

ACK double rainbow

ACK at airbnb house

thank you, carol.
thank you, kellee.
my send-off to italy was THE best.
i love you both.

and ciao to one of our barbie friends who decided
to stay behind and begin an adventure of her own in montana.
she’s helping pave the way for our upcoming goodbyes,
reminding us that we will always have the memories.
and each other.
(even if we’re not physically close.)

many of you were following right along with us on social media,
while we traveled on our unique and amazing 3-day odyssey.
it was truly an experience of a lifetime,
and we thank you for your support.

we hope you too take the time
to strengthen friendships in your own life.
and create moments that count, moments that bond.

we were determined to do just that the last three days,
and something unexpectedly special happened in the process.
in the midst of our fun, acting spontaneously, we reached out to others.
and we ended up spreading genuine cheer with our silly antics.

we brought people together during our trip to glacier national park,
in person and online, and it felt good.
it restored, as the saying goes, our faith in humanity.
during a time of strife and sadness in our country (and our world).

three middle-aged women and three barbies.
a new community-building revolution.
stay tuned.
there is more to come.


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8 Responses to three middle-aged women and three barbies.

  1. Elizabeth says:

    You are so funny… three grown women and their barbies!!! LOL…. but who, pray tell, is the guy behind the rock with the barbies on it????!!!!! LOL

    • April Lee says:

      people were coming up to us in droves, either taking our picture with the barbies or asking to pose with them themselves. the guy behind the rock was a very nice, handsome new friend!

  2. Lori says:

    April, I loved this! You’ll find this amusing… My daughter and her best friend from med school had a little toy dinosaur which they took on their travels. “Eggbert” was photographed at the Taj Mahal, on Abbey Road, sailing on a ship through the fiords in New Zealand, and in front of a geyser in Iceland. He was a celebrity in India and lots of the locals wanted to be in pictures with him. Sounds like you gals had a great time on your adventure!!

    • April Lee says:

      oh, i LOVE this story, lori! 🙂 i will be sure to pass it on to my two friends. (i think your daughter and her best friend may just be kindred spirits!)

  3. April says:

    GREAT pictures!! Glad you had such fun with your besties!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Erin says:

    Lol! You weren’t joking about the barbies… I thought you were going somewhere else with that :-p

  5. Pam says:

    I don’t know why I thought you were kidding about the Barbies! ;D You all look so lovely and happy.

  6. Rosemarie says:

    What a good idea to go off and play with your best friends and enjoy yourself. Really helps to relax and re-charge. I often find when I relax that I get inspiration for other areas in my life.

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