this and that around the villa . . . observations, sparks, discoveries:
- DISBELIEF – despite paying extremely-high monthly health insurance premiums, our plan in the states did not cover prescription drugs. two years ago i was paying close to $300 for my daily asthma inhaler (about a 2-month supply for me). last week in italy i paid €4 for the EXACT SAME DRUG! same packaging, same dosage, same amount. FOUR EUROS! (around $4.50
- IMPOSSIBILITY – i cut myself with a spoon. the wound required a band-aid. really.
- SILLINESS – i decided i didn’t like the taste of this cereal, but didn’t want to waste it.
- SECURITY – harlowe curls up in that little slot formed by my legs when sleeping in the fetal position. just like i used to, when my mom and i would get all cozy on the couch to read or watch tv. i can’t even express how comforting this is to me.
- SLEEPLESSNESS – my nights are short lately. sinus issues keep me awake, then my mind begins working overtime. trying to solve so many unsolvable things.
- ENTANGLEMENT – i caught my purse strap on the door while walking by, hooking it on opposite handles! ONLY ME. 😀
- CURIOSITY – during that crazy storm last month, eric and i experienced something strange. we were walking from the front door to the garage when the sky suddenly turned an orangey-gold color, accompanied by a continuous rumbling of thunder. (howling wind, pummeling rain, and hail too, but the strangest part was the sky’s color.) later we found a layer of fine red dust all over our terrace, and heard/read that others – throughout italy – did as well. it was a SIROCCO: “a wind originating from the sahara in northern africa, picking up moisture while passing over the mediterranean sea, sometimes reaching hurricane speeds. the phenomenon is known as ‘blood rain’ . . . red sand mixing with falling rain.”
- PERPLEXITY – why do they sell so many different sizes and colors of garbage bags in the local stores if you can’t actually USE them? (for those who are not on facebook, this is a follow-up to my post about recent recycling woes.)
- INTROSPECTION – i still find myself holding my breath a bit. always missing my sons, and still trying to feel really-and-truly settled in my new country. of course, the phrase “my new country” holds a much deeper meaning for me. i read an outstanding book not long ago that succinctly and correctly expressed my feelings. a new kind of country by dorothy gilman (1978). “understanding the untapped part of herself, almost as if it were a new kind of country, to challenge, explore, and love.” she also had two sons and had just begun the empty-nest years. there were differences, of course. harder for her > she was alone (i have eric, a partner in this foreignness). easier for her > she moved to another english-speaking country (my additional obstacle as i attempt to assimilate).
- BREATHLESSNESS – those who know me know i have chronic sinusitis. and those who don’t know me well but have spent time with me may have guessed this from my darth-vader-breathing and old-man-nose-blowing. i actually have a condition called samter’s triad, which is a combination of 3 things > asthma, nasal polyps, and an allergy to aspirin/NSAIDs. sometimes i can control and treat it. sometimes nothing relieves the extreme congestion, pressure, and inflammation. the past month or so i’ve been dealing with the latter (a flare-up), making it difficult to concentrate or focus (though i’ve had a bit of relief in the past couple of days). please keep me in your thoughts. (oh, and YES, i’ve tried everything! seen many doctors/specialists, tried natural methods, etc. this has been going on for years, but now and then it’s worse.)
- MERRIMENT – earlier this week, i spent a delightful hour reading and playing with two little friends, ages 7 and 3. creating nonsense stories on google translate too. i practiced my italian, they practiced their english. we all laughed a lot.
- PRODUCTIVITY – my workspace after a busy week . . .
- BREVITY – i recently came across this journal page from 2 years ago. only ONE to-do item on the list that day! it cracks me up that i just crossed it out. DONE.
- BAADER-MEINHOF – i’ve been noticing a few obscure things over and over, popping up in different contexts. observing the patterns, trying to coax out the messages.
- CITTADINA – for those who did not see the news splashed all over my social media accounts this week, my ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP was finalized and official as of saturday, november 10th. (exactly 2 years to the day that eric and i moved into villa magnolia!) we celebrated that night with our very first italian friends.
Hi April,
That part where you said “despite paying extremely-high monthly health insurance premiums, our plan in the states did not cover prescription drugs. two years ago i was paying close to $300 for my daily asthma inhaler (about a 2-month supply for me). last week in italy i paid €4 for the EXACT SAME DRUG! same packaging, same dosage, same amount. FOUR EUROS!”
is always very interesting for me. I’m UK based and work in Health insurance and its always really interesting to see how people react when they venture outside of the states and see what other countries do for their health care.
We have the NHS in the UK, its not perfect but its a good safety net.
Also…did Eric eat the cereal!? hehe
Great site