The Power

I’ve been writing weekly blog posts for almost four years, every Thursday without fail, since late September 2012. And I started noticing something interesting in the last several months.

Even though my clients have primarily been women with eating issues (ranging from full-blown eating disorders to yo-yo dieting struggles and everywhere in between on the continuum), the reactions and responses to my blog (and also to my Facebook posts) tend to focus more on my approach to life and my willingness to share my human side, both the triumphs and the trials.

It’s not too surprising, I guess, since the premise from which I work with clients and the premise from which I write is the same. All about searching for deep meaning in our lives and connecting with our essential selves.

Recently my readers want to know more about how I’ve personally arrived at certain points in my own journey, how I’m fulfilling some of my wildest dreams (like moving to an Italian villa), how I overcome the inevitable obstacles that come up. And so, as I address these questions, these concerns, these observations, I find myself writing less about eating disorders specifically and more about life generally. And my heart fills as I continue to receive the most loving and insightful feedback.

This all led me to a major turning point in my business at the beginning of the year. It was a perhaps obvious, yet still startlingly energizing, revelation. And I sat down and wrote my new e-course, THE ARRIVAL. Open to ALL women. It feels useful and challenging and compassionate and vulnerable. It simply feels . . . right.

And apparently it feels right to others as well. When a colleague found out what I was planning, she sent me this email: “I know you’re transitioning things and just wanted to say that it really warms my heart. My immediate thought was . . . if April hasn’t expanded beyond working with women who have eating disorders, she definitely should.” (Thanks, Sora.)

Let me also tell you a little story about something else that occurred while I was creating THE ARRIVAL. We had been having trouble getting the electricity turned on in our villa in Italy. Loooooooong story, and I won’t bore you with the details. But the problem went on and on and was finally rectified. “The power is on!” my husband and I gleefully shouted, signifying the actual electrical power AND our upcoming move to Italy. I decided it was also a perfect metaphor to describe my decision to broaden my company’s focus.

I was explaining this decision to another colleague that same day when she said to me: “You are listening. And that’s where your power comes in.” (Oh my. I got chills. You hit upon it exactly, Elizabeth.)

Then just the other day, while driving and thinking of content for this blog post, “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten came on the radio. I wasn’t totally familiar with the words to the song, but the general idea was so fittingly perfect for one module of my e-course that I decided to look up the lyrics when I got home and include some of them in the lesson. I had to laugh (and marvel at the universe’s message) when I zeroed in on the chorus:

“This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song
My power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong
I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes
‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me”

“My power’s turned on.” Yes, so it is. And yours can be too.

I certainly do not have all of the answers. Life is one big magical complicated puzzle that will never perfectly fit together. And therein lies the excitement, the challenge. The incredible story of one’s continued existence, despite failure or success, heartbreak or bliss.

Unraveling. Stitching. Weaving. New vibrant colors and fresh intricate patterns.

I introduced my new e-course to the world on Monday. There was an instantly positive response. Please consider joining me and other intrepid soul-searchers on April 25 for a transformational journey of freedom and enlightenment. Check out the details here: THE ARRIVAL

Become your own best friend. And turn on your power.

Introducing my NEW e-course.

Beginning APRIL 25.

Open to ALL women.


THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true.


$100 off the already-low introductory rate through March 31!



Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.


THE ARRIVAL marketing image

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7 Responses to The Power

  1. April says:

    What an inspiring and invigorating post, April! You have shown such a clear picture of your transformation over the years. As a fan for a couple of years now, that’s exactly how I see it. You have inspired me week after week and made me feel understood and perfectly alright, no matter what I was going through! Your e-course sounds absolutely INCREDIBLE!! To know so many will transform too, without having to blog for 4 years to do it!! Sharing your expertise and experiences will shorten the journey for others without compromising the lessons. I can’t think of a better professional to kick off such an important, life-changing course as The Arrival course!! Thank you for providing yet another way to own the life we are living!! <3

    • April Lee says:

      wow, april. thank you thank you thank you for the wonderful comment, support, and encouragement! you are representative of the uplifting, inspiring people i wish to surround myself with in my e-course, taking the journey (and arriving) along with me. <3

  2. Reena says:

    April, I loved reading your post and how your transformation is happening so perfectly and aligned. Love those synchronicities in life. Aren’t they amazing? I wish you all the best for your launch. It looks amazing!

  3. What a testimony to following your dreams. Again, and again, and again. Can you hear me clapping? xxoo

  4. Ferris says:

    Congratulations on steeping into your power in this new way and for launching your wonderful new course. It’s so lovely to follow your journey, your transitions and of course, your ‘arrival’ 🙂

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Become your own best friend and turn on your power. I never looked at it quite that way.. such a beautiful testament.

    and it took me a minute to realize that was me in your post that you were quoting!! 😉

    you are a powerful soul dear april… with such grace … blessings to you…

  6. Jul's says:

    I am so excited for you with your new direction and expansion! Your course is going to be awesome! I love how deep, sincere and honest you are April. Love sharing your journey with you on your blog!

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