the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 6)

one way.
we leave today.


i have a new jacket.
patagonia calls it shock pink.
which seems rather appropriate right now,
since my system feels shocked to its core.


one way.
we leave today.


i’m scared.
to say goodbye.
to begin this journey.
but i’m doing it anyway.
celebrating my fears instead of avoiding life.


one way.
we leave today.


goodbye to the old.
hello to the new.
the old will forever be sweet memories.
the new will be experiences that challenge.
challenges that offer awakening invigoration.


one way.
we leave today.


but let me be clear.
it won’t be a “new life.”
i’ll always be april from kellogg, idaho.

it will be an expanded life.
a renewed life.
a continuing-into-the-future life.

i’m no superwoman.
my strength and my bravery throughout this journey
is not exceptional.
it’s filled with tears and what-ifs.

i’m just a middle-aged frightened-but-determined gal
from a small mining town.
who wants more of something once tasted.

chasing and chasing and chasing.
time to catch that dream and hold on tight.


one way.
we leave today.

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4 Responses to the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 6)

  1. Leslie Gleason says:

    Go chase your dreams April….nothing ventured, nothing gained! Change makes you grow and expand your horizons. It takes a while to adjust, make new friends, and feel at home, but we’ll worth the adventure! Wishing you best wishes on your new life adventures!

  2. Jul's says:

    Oh, your words bring such tears to my eyes! I applaud you for expanding your life! You are an inspiration and I wish I was doing this too!

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