the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 2)

so many many details to keep track of regarding this move.
and so many things that can go W-R-O-N-G if we’re not careful.
here’s the latest snafu . . .

i posted this on facebook yesterday at 9:36 a.m.


the countdown to villa magnolia.
“within the final two weeks.”

and just 47 minutes later, it wasn’t actually true.

because our veterinarian called with some rather unwelcome news at 10:23 a.m.
news that would upset our entire schedule for leaving the country.

there are problems with our cats’ international paperwork.
and there will now be a 21-day wait before they can board that airplane to italy.
complex and contradictory instructions, and i missed a vital detail.
(luckily, our veterinarian is a conscientious and thorough kind of doctor.)

i read and reread (and read again) what we needed to do.
but i still missed something important.

sooooo . . . we had to change our departure date, pushing it forward two weeks.
had to change all the flights,
make sure the cats could get on each of the three legs (again),
and, of course, pay our penalties.
our shipment will still go out as scheduled (in just under two weeks).
but we will be camping out at winterchase a little bit longer.

it will all be okay though.
it takes the shipment six weeks to arrive anyway.
it gives us more time to say less-rushed goodbyes.
and mr. smith and harlowe are oh-so-worth-it.

wheeeeeeeeeeew . . . trying to remember to breathe.
hopefully this is the last of the obstacles before we leave.
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2 Responses to the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 2)

  1. April says:

    Oh My Goodness. These unpleasant details and stress-inducers will be great stories to share with your new Italian friends and those brave souls reading your blog who dare to achieve their dreams like you have! Rock on my Sister!! I am so impressed, motivated, inspired and challenged by you! This is one page of many chapters, and I can’t wait to read the next line…<3 Sending strength and good vibes your way!! (and Mr. Smith and Harlowe's way, too!!)

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