the assignment.

for 6 days straight,
carve out a moment all to yourself.
with blank book and pen in hand,
begin writing.

write and write and write.

at least 15 minutes at a time,
but as long as your thoughts
keep tumbling onto the page.

no worries about grammar or punctuation,
no judgment about content.
transitions don’t matter either.
freewriting at its best.

not sure what to say?
begin with something simple,
like your favorite color.
marvel at the feelings it invokes,
and continue from there.

welcome and allow whatever shows up.
be gentle with yourself and with
any discomfort that arises,
simply holding the mix of emotions
until they naturally dissipate.

one of the most effective ways to
reach your inner soul.
more quickly and easily than
you could ever imagine.

on the seventh day,
breathe deeply,
center yourself,
and reread what you have written.

just sit with your words,
connecting with your genuine voice.

pay attention to your reactions,
noticing especially what surprises.
think about the intricate patterns
you see emerging from the pages.

what do i care most about?
what qualities do i want to embody?
who do i yearn to be?

let the answers unfold naturally.
let perspectives start to shift.

then do it again the following week.

raw, uncensored, honest, unpolished.
for your eyes only,
private and sacred.

clarity, self-awareness, focus.
increasing exponentially,
like magic.

journaling is powerful stuff.




Less than ONE month left!

And only room for ONE more!

Will it be YOU?



TUSCANY, ITALY | MAY 20-25, 2018


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THE ARRIVAL (may 2018)

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