that inviting red door . . .

once upon a time,
in one of my former lives,
i had a front door that was painted red.

a beautiful uplifting red,
cheery and inviting.
and perfect therapy for those long
(very long) winter months.

just a door.
just some paint.
yet so much more.

a true symbol of what made me happy.
of what allowed me to dream and imagine
and explore my existence.

that red door signified
a welcoming warmth and safety in my inner haven,
a daring sass and grit out in the world.

the way i wanted to be.

so i started following that feeling.
i began living out my red-door adventures.

red-door adventures

do you have a small-but-meaningful reminder
that stimulates you to get up and get going?

what are your once-upon-a-time red-door adventures
that you’re wishing were happening in your life now?

THE ARRIVAL can help you begin your journey.
your journey to your core, to your essence.
your journey to whatever in life you are seeking.

arrive at that inviting red door . . .

Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.


“I love that idea of CHOOSING to arrive – and the idea that a retreat (period of going inward for reflection) can be a way of holding yourself back. The idea that with this course I could be stepping into (arriving at) the life I want. It’s magical even in the words . . . the course will undoubtedly be magnificent.”
(Cathy Cochrane)


“Best wishes to you with the launch of your new course! It seems so fitting to me that you have just begun living your own dream sequence in Villa Magnolia. So many of us have hushed into silence the desire to live the dream. I’m certain that your course will help others to discover as well as to unlock their own destinies. Enjoy! xoxo”
(Lori Weintraub)


THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true.


THE ARRIVAL marketing image


Introducing my NEW e-course.

Beginning APRIL 25.

Open to ALL women.

When you enroll in this e-course, you’ll receive:

  • 7 weeks of written lessons (with accompanying activities designed to enhance and personalize each lesson)
  • 7 full-color printable PDFs
  • 7 personally-recorded audio messages (that you can listen to again and again)
  • a secure and private forum where you can ask questions and dive deep into discussions (with me, your travel guide throughout this essence7 journey, and other participants)
  • support and encouragement from a group of like-minded women (who understand your needs and who have similar goals)
  • full, free, unlimited access to any new class material or bonuses added to the course in the future
  • a private Facebook group following the coursework, designed to continue the relationships formed (look for an invitation to join in the course discussion area during the seventh week!)

  • AND this special complimentary BONUS . . . a free seat in Homecoming, Cigdem Kobu’s transformational self-study journaling course


Join me on this personally guided tour to a more meaningful existence!

(Want to read all of the details? Click tab directly below.)



Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.

click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to the essence7 journey as my gift to you!)
get my free course!


11 Responses to that inviting red door . . .

  1. Jul's says:

    Oh love your red door inspiration! And as always love your poetry…I think you have a book of April’s Essence Poetry in you 😉 I have a cross that my sons gave me, just a necklace I wear daily as it makes me feel like they are with me. I find myself touching it daily, often, when I want to feel safe, comfy and loved.

    You make me want to have my stained front door painted red!

    • April Lee says:

      what a sweet thing to say, jul’s. (i’ve actually had a book of poems in the works for years. maybe it is time.)

      i love the story behind your inspirational piece. feeling “safe, comfy and loved” while thinking of your sons sounds ideal.

  2. Cathy says:

    Much love and good wishes for this next manifestation of the red door!

    • Cathy says:

      My current red door is the Intuition mala I wear – it reminds me that I am always connected to myself in a very deep way, even if I feel disconnected from life and people for a time. It calls me to heed the voice of my intuition on a daily basis, and THAT is the doorway to the life I want to live!

  3. Ferris Jay says:

    What a lovely symbol of happiness April, very heartwarming.

    For me, I find that inspiration in tiny seeds, especially in Spring, as I’m a gardener, but also all year round.

    It always inspired me knowing that those tiny seeds have the potential to be huge trees, beautiful flowers or tasty vegetables. It helps me remember my potential … and how growth can take time.

    Seeds also show me the level of abundance that this earth gifts us, with most plants gifting us many more seeds than we require. I adore the sense of abundance and generosity I feel when I take time to really see that 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    April, I have always been intrigued by red doors.

    I believe they’re against code in my thoroughly suburban community. 😉

    And so….

    I have a red kitchen!

    Which I love just as much as red doors.

    Congratulations on the new adventure of your e-course this week!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    I love the way you think … I love the red door …

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