tangerine vibes

on january 6, the epiphany
under the first full moon of 2023 (the wolf moon)
i chose my word of the year . . .

several of my friends had been choosing a color, along with a word, to accompany and guide them through the next 12 months. i thought that might be fun to do as well, and the color orange immediately came to mind. not only was citrus always my favorite scent (when i could still smell), orange was my favorite color when i was in grade school. (it’s been replaced a couple of times since with – not surprisingly to anyone who knows me – pink for a while, and then – for the last several years – kiwi lime). but lately orange has been making itself known to me again in some interesting ways, and i’ve decided to start paying attention.

i want to explore fresh avenues this year and orange is a tangy citrusy color, perfect for representing a fresh perspective with just a touch of sass. it’s also been showing up everywhere for me, so i thought “okay, this is definitely going to be my color.”

but then i started toying with the idea of actually making it my WORD as well, since the color itself conjures up exactly how i want to FEEL in 2023.

✴️ oranges and other citrus fruits are mood-boosters that help quench stress/anxiety/tension
✴️ the vitamin c in oranges promotes healing
✴️ orange is the color of extroverted enthusiasm and emotion
✴️ orange feels optimistic and uplifting, adding spontaneity to life
✴️ orangey hues encourage creativity and adventure
✴️ the color orange symbolizes energetic youthfulness

i love words. i have always loved words. but i like different words for different reasons. and sometimes i just like the way a word sounds – the particular combination of letters, the way it rolls off my tongue. there is a color word in the orange family that has always appealed to me for this reason – one that evokes warm, fresh, energetic, happy vibes with a bit of acidity (appropriate for my sarcastic side).

announcing my 2023 WORD OF THE YEAR >>

🧡 T A N G E R I N E 🧡

✴️ tangerines symbolize abundance, happiness, and prosperity in the chinese new year; they are believed to be auspicious symbols of a better year ahead
✴️ the color tangerine is cheerful, lively, and bright; playful, bold, and full of joy
✴️ tangerine shades stimulate fiery confidence and enjoyment in the moment
✴️ tangerine rejuvenates our spirits
✴️ tangerine is all about vitality and is indicative of change
✴️ tangerine is active, fun, vibrant; exuberant and unconventional

precisely what i’d like my year to look like!


1. though i’m somewhat finicky about the word itself, i’m not at all picky about the exact tint >> i welcome any orangey tone! clementine, pumpkin, burnt orange, carrot. cantaloupe, papaya, mandarin, rust. apricot, persimmon, and orange itself 🍊🧡

2. i say “or-unj” but my mom (who was from massachusetts) always pronounced it “ahr-unj.” we engaged in a lot of good-natured banter over this, and now that memory makes me smile 😊🧡


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