sunny with gathering clouds

my mood?

happy, alternating with sad.

i’ve been gauging my emotional level for the past week on a chart in one of my journals. i am always aware of, in tune with, my feelings. it’s just something i do. but i’ve never rated them with weather symbols before!

“a sunny (cheery) morning, with gathering clouds (increasing anxiety) in the afternoon”

some days i’m filled with such joy that i literally bounce, my feet barely touching the floor.

other days i relive every childhood insult in vivid color, and take on the collective trauma of the world around me.

and sometimes both occur on the same day!

that’s okay. that’s simply how daily life goes.

so i breathe.
i focus on any physical reactions.
i acknowledge and label my emotions,
then ask what they might be trying to tell me.
and i repeat a quick mantra to myself . . . “this feeling will soon pass.”

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
five short steps to a better perspective and improved well-being.

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