sometimes i just need to cuddle a cat

my blog post was already written up,
all prepared to go.
but then i decided it needed to rest on the shelf for a bit.

part of its further-reaching theme was a chance
to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment
with a situation involving my younger son.

a situation that still feels too raw
and close to the surface at the moment.

a situation that ignites the fire inside my soul,
when someone i know has been wronged.
(in this case, my son.)

a situation that teaches the opposite of a moral lesson,
by a person in an authoritative role,
to an innocent and honest kid.

a situation that i have little control over,
and feel frustrated-beyond-reason-about as a result.

so perhaps another day, another time,
for that bitter taste of harsh reality.

instead i’d like to share a few of my recent daily discoveries,
a practice i began during my road trip to california.

i’m including a few of the slightly negative ones
(this isn’t a gratitude list),
but i’m leaving out those that were especially difficult
(because this isn’t a complaint list either).

here we go:

  • my fears rarely, if ever, come to fruition
  • i am brave
  • things like brexit directly affect me now
  • i learned something i never knew before, regarding the circumstances of my birth
  • nothing feels better than a spic-and-span clean house
  • in spite of all the obstacles, i am moving to italy
  • i hate admitting it, but i am still able to be manipulated
  • i can conquer fear one day at a time
  • i will always stand up for myself and my family
  • just when i think the stress level can’t get any higher, i realize “oh yes, it can!”
  • i can rally and get lots of stuff crossed off my to-do list
  • i am being pulled in many different directions right now (and must maintain my sanity)
  • this old lady can learn new things
  • nothing better than setting off for 3 carefree days with 2 best friends
  • barbies bring people together
  • how quickly delight can turn to sadness
  • why are some in customer service so rude?
  • facing resistance builds strength (i should be quite strong at this point)
  • i now have 4 different coaching certifications
  • change is good, change is good, change is good
  • i must always protect myself (i may need to learn this lesson over and over)
  • i cannot control the actions of others, only my own
  • i can still hike 5 miles
  • crying gets it all out, enables me to move on
  • coaching suits me (i love my job)
  • sometimes, to calm down/reassess/start again, i just need to cuddle a cat

proud smith

petting a cat 3

holding smith close 2

pretty harlowe

harlowe actually prefers being praised over petting.
(you do need to know your cats.)
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4 Responses to sometimes i just need to cuddle a cat

  1. Rosemarie says:

    Aww what a relaxing post! my cat would love to be petted much more than she currently gets!

  2. April says:

    First, I’m angry on your behalf about whatever happened with your son!

    Now, for your post:
    •my fears rarely, if ever, come to fruition – I’m going to post this on my wall to remind me that this is possible the truest statement I’ve ever read!!!
    •i hate admitting it, but i am still able to be manipulated – yeah, me, too. But not for very long.
    •i now have 4 different coaching certifications – What an accomplishment!! Congrats!!!
    •sometimes, to calm down/reassess/start again, i just need to cuddle a cat – YES (and my kitties are quick cuddlers, not long, drawn out cuddling).
    Great, reflective post! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Reena Tory says:

    Love your daily discoveries and a great thing to do each day. I can feel you are on the verge of some major discoveries and bit changes coming up 🙂 P.S. love your cat! Keep going 🙂

  4. Lisa says:

    Nice to be reminded of just how far we’ve come somethimes. I love your daily discoveries, each one has it’s own story I’m sure. Hoping things work out with your son, made me think of Pooh Bear and this quote You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
    much love

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