
Sometimes we women struggle to keep our self intact. We lose our vital connection to self. We rob ourselves of the magic and exhilaration that make up our extraordinary and unparalleled uniqueness.

There are many ways in which an inauthentic existence might steal from you:

It might steal your feelings. Maybe you feel numb inside. You are no longer fully experiencing your emotions. Even what should be intense – like explosive anger or deep joy — seems blunted.

It might steal your serenity. This happens when you ignore your true longings and experience that wistful tug-of-war inside. Your thought patterns may also be weighing you down.

It might steal your freedom. Perhaps you feel chained to a less-than-genuine you. You might not even recognize yourself when you catch occasional glimpses of the woman you used to be (and want to be again).

It might steal your essence. Sometimes you forget what it is you like to do, what makes you happy, what you believe in, who you are inside. You find yourself retreating further away from real fulfillment.
How to recapture authenticity? Begin by acknowledging that every event in your life (good and bad) is a wonderful lesson, part of your remarkable story. Believe that every moment of your life has been meaningful. Every experience has taught you something about yourself and your world. You may not always be living the life you were born to, but not one precious moment of your life is ever wasted. You may not know the whys and the hows until much later (if ever), but there is substance and growth at every stage along the way. Enjoy, learn from, revel in the sometimes messy process as much as you possibly can.

Life is about unending exploration . . . unceasing experimentation . . . unrelenting discovery.

And remember to include the little girl and the young woman you once were. Add these important stages to the mental picture of “you” that you carry around in your head. Instead of isolating your different selves at different points in your life, strive for integration of the whole. Recognize and appreciate all of the unique experiences that have blended together to create the individual you are today.
One creative technique I personally use to integrate (and heal) mind, body, and soul?


Simply put on your favorite music and move your body to the beat. Leap, turn, shimmy, whatever feels right to you in this moment. Let the graceful freeing original choreography be a metaphor for the way you want to feel throughout life. Let this expressive and healthy outlet bring you back to your core, to your essence, to who you truly are.

Dance is emotional. Dance is powerful.

“Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.” Samuel Beckett


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