round to the light

pain leads to knowledge
loneliness to reflection

how do we twist ourselves
round to the light?

fear leads to resilience
anguish to solace

how do we twist ourselves
round to the light?

when we’re hurting,
all alone
when we’re scared,
filled with sorrow

how do we twist ourselves
round to the light?
THE ARRIVAL at villa magnolia in italy

“may it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”
~j.r.r tolkien

there is sadness, there is laughter
there is struggle, there is triumph

there is also a healing haven
that allows and welcomes
all that life brings

my italian retreat

on tuesday i got the chance to experience
one of the most famous carnivals in italy
(which also shows up on a few best-in-the-world lists)


an amazing celebration!
(yes, that’s me in the mask in the middle 🙂 )


2 Responses to round to the light

  1. Anne Martino says:

    Your post has definitely resonated with me!
    I am lost in the dark right now!

    • April Lee says:

      i am sorry to hear that you are currently grappling with the darkness, anne. perhaps you would find my retreat of benefit to you, a chance to acquire emotional tools that enable one to work towards the light. sending warm healing wishes your way. <3

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