Retreat no more. Choose to arrive.

THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true.


THE ARRIVAL marketing image

you know what you want to do.

it’s been niggling at the back of your mind for months,
maybe even for years.

perhaps you’ve planned it all out already,
in precise detail.
what you will do and how you will do it.
you just need to take that decisive first step
and enter into it.

or maybe the vision still comes to you in a shadowy form.
still vague and shapeless,
yet intriguing enough to keep thinking about it.
and thinking about it.

what is your unrealized dream?
what is holding you back from making it a reality?
are you depriving yourself of attaining your highest ideal?

THE ARRIVAL will help you begin your journey.
your journey to your core, to your essence.
your journey to whatever in life you are seeking.

i’m holding out my hand to you . . .
is it time to come aboard?

you know what you want to do.
you know what you have to do.

Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.


THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true.


THE ARRIVAL marketing image

When you enroll in this signature e-course, you’ll receive:

  • 7 weeks of written lessons (with accompanying activities designed to enhance and personalize each lesson)
  • 7 full-color printable PDFs
  • 7 personally-recorded audio messages (that you can listen to again and again)
  • a secure and private forum where you can ask questions and dive deep into discussions (with me, your travel guide throughout this essence7 journey, and other participants)
  • support and encouragement from a group of like-minded women (who understand your needs and who have similar goals)
  • full, free, unlimited access to any new class material or bonuses added to the course in the future
  • a private Facebook group following the coursework, designed to continue the relationships formed (look for an invitation to join in the course discussion area during the seventh week!)

  • AND this special complimentary BONUS . . . a free seat in Homecoming, Cigdem Kobu’s transformational self-study journaling course


Join me on this personally guided tour to a more meaningful existence!

(Want to read all of the details? Click tab directly below.)



Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.

click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to the essence7 journey as my gift to you!)
get my free course!


6 Responses to Retreat no more. Choose to arrive.

  1. Cathy says:

    I love that idea of CHOOSING to arrive – and the idea that a retreat (period of going inward for reflection) can be a way of holding yourself back. The idea that with this course I could be stepping into (arriving at) the life I want. It’s magical even in the words…the course will undoubtedly be magnificent.

    Have a great time with it!

  2. Lori says:

    Best wishes to you with the launch of your new course! It seems so fitting to me that you have just begun living your own dream sequence in Villa Magnolia. So many of us have hushed into silence the desire to live the dream. I’m certain that your course will help others to discover as well as to unlock their own destinies. Enjoy! xoxo

  3. Michelle says:

    Retreat no more. Choose to arrive. I love your play on words here, April. And I adore the name and the essence of this course. This is going to be a beautiful experience. I can sense it.

  4. Ferris Jay says:

    It’s so wonderful to see your course emerge April, congratulations.
    What a rich journey it will be for your participants, for those who choose it, so exciting.

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