Practicing What I Preach

On Sunday evening, I sat down to edit the last module of my e-course. To further clarify and correct its content before this session’s final live week of class. The more I read through one particular passage, however, the more relevant I realized it was in the final month before my move to Italy.

I think the message it conveys is an important one. So in this week’s edition of my studio notes, I am sharing a sneak peek into THE ARRIVAL.

I hope it sparks your own dream-catching revolution.


Sometimes things go awry on our voyages. Sometimes it feels as if all of our carefully made plans are falling apart. When it feels as if all may be lost, as if nothing else can be done, know it’s not over. Know you can still see the light late in the day, even at the last minute, at a point in time which is nearly-but-not-totally too late. It occurs, over and over again. And how magical, how life-affirming, how concept-changing it is.

Eleventh hour illumination.

At some point in your journey, you will find yourself at the gate. The excited traveler about to board the airplane to the rest of your essence-filled life. Awaiting. Beginning.

And you’ll have to decide. Whether to go through at that moment, or to hang back and delay your trip.

Imagine what walking through the gate to the other side will feel like. Will it be exciting? Exhilarating? Or are you fearful of disappointment? Disillusionment?

Will you take the chance, believe that you are ready? Will you open the gate and go boldly forward?

Or will you cower on the other side? The safe side. The side where no one or no thing can harm your cozy status. The side of comforting familiarity, where you are sheltered from risks but not quite able to grasp your ultimate ambitions.

Do you find yourself wavering at the gate? What are you hesitating for? What dreams are you on the verge of awakening? Essence-enlightenment? A return to wholeness? An idealized version of your life which is on its way to being realized?

It will never be a perfect journey, without relapses and mistakes.

But what if you allow your dreams to flourish in the light of day anyway? What if you take the steps that will lead you beyond the gate, into the world of real and lasting freedom?


You must push your way through that gate. And if the latch sticks? You must find a way to unstick it. It’s the avenue through which your dreams of wholeness and achievement will shift into reality.

Don’t stay at the gate. Don’t wait for perfection. Hold your dream by the hand and run through the gate. CRASH the gate if you must.

And do it now. Time is not yours to know. Will you be here tomorrow? Next week? Next year?

Take a deep breath and open that gate. Then go beyond it.

Dreams + movement = a transformed world.

via roma

Buon viaggio, e buona permanenza. Have a safe trip, and enjoy your stay.
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2 Responses to Practicing What I Preach

  1. April says:

    Your coaching is as poetic as you are! So beautiful! My favorite line, “Time is not yours to know.” Beautiful, April! This may be just the push I need to walk through that gate!! Thank you!!

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