i’ve slept in the pink house nine nights
i’ve done five loads of laundry
and set up the kitchen
i’ve arranged my toiletries
and cleaned sinks and toilets
i’ve folded my tops
and hung my dresses
i’ve searched for one item
in 44 different boxes
best of all
i’ve been warmly welcomed in the community
and yet . . .
it still feels strange
kind of like staying at an airbnb
as if this isn’t permanent
and i’ll be going back to winterchase soon
i guess that means i’m still in
the pink house adjustment period
the settling-in period
the surreal-to-real period
waiting for that moment when
“this is my home now” sinks in
so much reminds me of that first year in italy
the dust, the chaos, the ongoing renovation
the quirks of a century-plus-old house
the learning curves to living in one
but then i remember how hard
everything else was to adapt to there
and how much easier this move is by comparison
i know it will be okay
it will just take time
change of any kind
simply takes some getting used to
even when planned and positive
even when less difficult, less stressful
i welcome all of these changes in my life
the trials and the transformations
because i’ve always feared stagnation
more than anything else
therefore i will gladly accept
even revel in
the disruption and the disarray
while unwrapping the pink house present