my may goodness

i started a new practice this year.
at the beginning of each month, i excavate all of the goodness of the previous month.
and i sum it all up in a facebook post.

the months of april and may presented trying and tricky times for my family.
even so, i was able to come up with 16 pretty wonderful things for april alone!

since i’ve been a teensy bit whiny on my blog lately,
i’ve decided to rectify that by sharing my may goodness with all of you.

life is always surprising us, with that unusual mixture of heartache and joy.
we need to pause, to notice and celebrate the joyful moments.
they are the reason we keep surviving, we keep striving.
they are the reason our lives carry richness and meaning.

so, here goes . . . my may goodness:

  • hosted a delightfully fun preschool storytime at winterchase (my house)
  • planned out what our may-through-september schedule will look like (yikes!)
  • began the arduous task of clearing our house before the big relocation
  • delicious lunch with a beautiful view on le peep cafe’s outside deck
  • figured out a satisfying solution for the care of our house in the U.S.
  • my niece’s berry crisp
  • huge heartfelt response to my blog post my own applause
  • mexican mochas at the bean with a childhood buddy
  • back to studying the italian language again
  • first weekend of qi gong teacher training (online)
  • younger son’s braces off!
  • fabulous new red pleather journal (“inner workings”)
  • sorted out hurt feelings and misunderstandings
  • stylish black vintage coat from secondhand store
  • a compelling case for feeling hopeful
  • my zucchini soup
  • exciting new connection in the U.K.
  • NBA playoff game and hot dogs at my dad’s

winterchase preschool storytime

le peep view

the bean
wishing you all a june filled with goodness!
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2 Responses to my may goodness

  1. Cathy says:

    Even the weeds come with pretty flowers.
    So much goodness in your month!
    Thank you for sharing, though you whine so thoughtfully and beautifully, I’d read that too.

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