my lacuna


calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements
synonyms: soothe, quiet, hush, lullaby

a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity
synonyms: pause, respite, interval, break, hiatus, suspension, cessation, interlude, intermission, breathing space, moratorium, lacuna

there’s been a lull
in my life lately
a lack of activity
an absence of motion

a pause, a respite
an interlude
a hiatus, a lacuna
(wait – what’s a lacuna?)

after a mini-panic of
not getting things done
projects not attended to
my daily routine halted

i decided to begin anew
(the exact words from my journal)
on monday, april 1
what could be better?

the first of the month
on a monday
and in april
a perfect fresh start

but it still didn’t happen
because after the no-excuses
i had a legitimate one
i came down with a bad cold

doing just the bare minimum
to get through my work
and my daily existence
not enough not enough

however, i decided to
be gentle with myself
to allow myself
this breathing space

to forgive my failings
and start again when
i’m feeling stronger
sounds like a new plan

so i will lull my disquiet
soothe any anxious thoughts
forgive failings
start stronger

(and by the way,
in case you’re wondering,
a lacuna is an unfilled space,
a missing part, a gap)

guess what?

my upcoming spring retreats
are 3/4 full!

that’s right – 6 of the 8
available spots are already taken!

but there is still time to ACT . . .

my italian retreat


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