my clever sink

three years and three months ago,
i wrote remember the smiling sink.

sink smile

it was a tale about living your life with integrity,
doing what you know you are supposed to do,
especially when making a difficult decision.

i’ve thought about that lesson
many many times since then.
and it still resonates with me today.

i thought you might appreciate the reminder as well.
(here is another chance to read it.)


and here are a couple of other moods of mine,
caught by my clever sink.

when i was feeling bewildered . . .

sink bewildered

and when i was feeling dismayed . . .

sink dismayed

kind of silly, but maybe important too.

do you ever notice little signs that confirm
what you probably already knew?
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2 Responses to my clever sink

  1. April says:

    Oh my goodness, what a light and fun post!! Just like life requires us to consider all that comes our way in life, it also gives us plenty of opportunities to enjoy the fun little “signs” that come our way. Thanks for provoking an instant smile for me with this post!! 🙂

  2. Pam says:

    Haha, this is fab. I love that you take the time to notice the little things in life and reflect on them. Starting the morning with a smile. 🙂

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