let the wild ride begin!

okay, so lately i’ve been focusing on
fear and doubt and overwhelm and insecurity
regarding my upcoming relocation.

three weeks ago i wrote all about it in far beyond.
all about the anticipation and the anxiety.

because every day there is unknown territory.
a new question.
a new stumbling block.
a new uncertainty.
on july 1:

shipping commitment
and then on july 20:

shipping without mini cooper

shipping without mini cooper 2

my chili-red mini cooper,
that’s been my sidekick for nine years,
now NOT going with me as planned.
and, of course, this. oh . . . THIS:

shipping duty and VAT

so many hoops to continuously jump through!
i’ve started sorting through my stuff. again.
it was only three years ago when i gave away, sold, or threw away
two-thirds of my belongings.

how does it accumulate so quickly?
at least this part, the decluttering,
shouldn’t be nearly as time-consuming or emotional this go-round.
(i also wrote about that 2013 experience!)

lots to know, lots to consider, lots to do, lots to still find out.
sometimes i almost forget how excited i am to be going!

but not quite . . .
so now, now i think it might be wise
to list out some of the positives.
the flip side of far beyond, if you will.

because i’m MOVING TO ITALY!

  1. the people (already a few wonderful friends and relatives waiting, many more to meet)
  2. the coffee (my favorite drink, inexpensive/delicious/abundantly available)
  3. the travel opportunities (amazing destinations reached by car, a nearby train station too)
  4. the villa (my villa magnolia)
  5. THE ARRIVAL (i’ve been imagining and designing this retreat-no-more concept for years)
  6. the broadened awareness (naturally occurring, ready and eager for the adventure)
  7. the roots (my heritage, my grandma’s birth place)
  8. the history (explored when homeschooling my sons, now coming alive in person)
  9. the visitors (i will be expecting and welcoming many)
  10. the mediterranean (no other words necessary)

mediterranean wedding 1
“can i really live here?”

mediterranean wedding 2
“yes. yes, i can!”
shipping here we go
let the wild ride begin!
tell me about one marvelous-but-terrifying life event that you’ve experienced.
how did its fabulosity outweigh your qualms?

THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true


THE ARRIVAL (August 1)


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4 Responses to let the wild ride begin!

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, I’ve had a few moments when I left everything… moving to the coast 20 odd years ago was one. Within a week… I was gone… and I never looked back… and before that … I relocated again… arrived with one suitcase for four seasons ….and stayed for 3 years in another country and returned with a suitcase, kitbag and very small trunk… both times…were the best things I EVER did…without question… but I’m wondering… Do you speak italian???? …

    I can’t wait to hear about when you move… but I am sorry about your sidekick…. 🙁

  2. April says:

    I am so beyond excited for you!! I have nothing that competes with this wonderful adventure of yours. I just love hearing all about your journey to the Villa! Who knows, your story may be inspiring others to consider what they haven’t considered, only dreamt of, before! YOU ROCK, April!! Can’t wait for the next “episode” to see what the next week brings.

  3. Erin says:

    Moving across the globe is always scary – the first time I went to work in Singapore I had very minimal details leading up to the trip and many questions. It was a life lesson in managing uncertainty – now I thrive in the openendedness & possibility of uncertainty! That alone was a great experience and growth.

  4. Pam says:

    So it begins!

    April, I’m so happy and excited for you. I can’t wait to read about your continuing adventures IN ITALY!

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