inspiration from my daily round

have I mentioned that i’ve been feeling
a bit overwhelmed lately? (ha!)
totally inspired, unbelievably excited.
completely committed, stubbornly determined.
but still. a bit overwhelmed.

i don’t like that word though.
kind of cliché, kind of negative.
let’s call it . . . hmmm . . .
S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D instead.

that’s pretty accurate.
in a thousand different directions.
(at least i feel truly alive.)
“the best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”
~mihaly csikszentmihalyi

the move to europe.
just beginning to process this.

my younger son’s senior year.
my 19th and last year of homeschooling.

same son’s ski jump crash.
he’s okay. his hand will heal.

learning italian.
why did i ignore my grandma and grandpa’s conversations?

my company realignment.
new horizons, new offers.

the decluttering/packing/shipping that must begin.

the inevitable nuclear family restructuring.
so-long-for-now to sons.

adult kid trials.
forever a mom.

my dad’s age and medical concerns.
imagining him on his own when i relocate.

my health worries.
i scheduled that doctor appointment though.

daily exercise and clean eating.
keeping my movement-and-nourishment promise to myself.
the ALEDOE method (A Little Each Day Of Each)
seems to be working. so far.
but. always. so. much. to. do.
it does get done though. steadily if not quickly.

i took a look at two tried-and-true rituals in my daily round.
what they signify to me, why i take the time to do them.
how they calm the intensity of my life.
how i draw inspiration from them.
first. morning musings.
alone. with my coffee.
i set up shop at the dining room table.
with my appointment book, my notebook journal,
my motivational books.
i write and i plan and i organize and i discover.

and this is what it means to me:
exploration. clarity.
necessary inhale/exhale breathing space.

then. midday enrichment.
the four of us used to do this at lunchtime,
part of our school routine.
now it’s just my husband and me,
taking an afternoon break from our at-home work days.
we sit on the aubergine sofa, side by side.
(or outside in agreeable weather.)
each with challenging reading materials.
and more coffee of course.
(his current – dante in italian and english,
my current – art therapy and qi gong study.)

and this is what it means to me:
closeness. contentment.
mind/body/spirit replenishment.

home quote, red nails, nbj, sm appt book, pen
[i can’t wait for morning musings and midday enrichment
on my portico in italy . . .]

villa magnolia portico
from where do you draw daily inspiration?
please share.
mihaly csikszentmihalyi, the hungarian psychologist
who brought us the concept of flow,
believes that exhilaration can be part of everyday life.

what animates you?
what elevates you?
what invigorates you?

are you doing these things?

when you’ve lost that connection to self,
begin capturing the magic again
with my 7 essential elements.

stay tuned for details about my new e-course.
coming this april.
open to all women.

i’ll share the personal philosophy
that has been my driving force.

because it is your time.
because you and exhilaration belong together.
click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.
(and get my complimentary guide to the essence7 journey as my gift to you!)
get my free course!


13 Responses to inspiration from my daily round

  1. April says:

    Oh boy, did I FEEL this one, April! It was all so familiar…different, but familiar. I can’t even imagine the confluence of emotions you must be experiencing, although you seem to have an impressive awareness of all of them, which is key to keeping it (you) together! My savored routines are mornings also. That’s when I have the most focus and clarity. Early evenings are also great for me as I’m a little less focused which is perfect for “first drafts” of things. I don’t get bound by the details (I save that for mornings, which are perfect for editing). 🙂
    I’m super excited about your next e-course too!! Bring it on Sister!! <3

  2. You DO have a lot on your plate, lovely one. And, like April (above), I, too, am impressed with your awareness and introspection. I begin my day with a notebook, not just any notebook. In it I write down what I hope to accomplish in my day (both work and play) and then I prioritize with the question: “What matters most?” I schedule in a play date every day, even just a short one with my glue book or my paints. And then, I close the laptop and cook something nourishing and I make that a priority. I connect with my husband over dinner. Before bed I dump unsettled thoughts in my journal (night pages) so that they do not inhabit my dreams. And then, I crawl into bed with pages that turn. I love those Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi questions, thank you. xxoo

  3. Lori says:

    April, you have such a beautiful and poignant way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. I love how you pinpoint your stress issues, and then focus on the positives! So many new and exciting things are ahead for you and your husband. Villa Magnolia is a magnificent beginning to another chapter in your story. All the best!

  4. Ferris says:

    May you stretch and process all the different things that are going on with ease April. Your afternoon ritual sounds delightful.

    When I first wake up, I start my day with a clean slate, by appreciating all that is wonderful in my life and then tuning into how I desire my life to be and basking in that.

    I also draw daily inspiration from nature. I am blessed to be able to walk down to a lovely tree lined stream on my property every morning. The sights and sounds of nature bring me such exhilaration, such a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation. The sky and land an ever changing canvas, always with beauty. It never ceases to refresh me for the day ahead (even on those days when the weather is too intense to go out to play and I’m just gazing out at it).

  5. Ariana says:

    Lovely!! I go around with my journal in my bag/purse to capture any hits of inspiration I get as I go through my day, in addition to journalling in it in the morning. (My journal is very tattered now that it’s almost full). Morning journalling is very centring and I love the questions you ask. I also find, personally, that gratitude journalling first, gets me in the head space for my creative journalling. It’s like tuning into a station.

  6. Michelle says:

    I am often s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d as well. 😉 Love that, April.

    I grew up in a similar situation, with my grandparents speaking Portuguese around us. I wish I had paid better attention.

    I love your daily rituals. I may have to borrow the afternoon enrichment idea.

    Love, M

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