from violet layers to mosaic alchemy

with TAPESTRY as my word of the year, i’ve been experimenting with piecing together the loose threads and interlaced knots that colorfully illustrate and express my existence. and thus far i’ve found myself in places i hadn’t imagined going.

i’d also added a secondary auxiliary word to the mix for 2024 . . . VIBE.

this is a glimpse of what i wrote in january about that:

this means i’m going to be checking in frequently with my current VIBE, changing the way i characterize it to align with and adjust to my many mercurial moods.

at present i would describe it as violet layers. i’m not one-hundred-percent sure exactly what that signifies for me. but i’ve been practicing awareness, and i’ve noticed both the color violet and the concept layers popping up a lot. so i’ve decided to go ahead and play with those clues for a while, explore them in more depth.

my word TAPESTRY will accompany and guide me all year. grounding me. my VIBE will be more volatile, altering its shape to fit whatever emotional space, atmosphere, or situation i find myself in. releasing me.

TAPESTRY makes me think of heirloom and complexity, of craftsmanship and rare beauty. VIBE feels fresh and energetic to me, hip and in sync. an eclectic and complementary weaving of the old and the new.

so where did i come up with violet layers in the first place? at the beginning of the year, i wrote my initials in a vertical line down the page:


then i wrote down all of the words that immediately emerged, beginning with those letters. that is, all of the words that either had significance in my life or that i felt a connection to (and also liked the sound of and idea behind). violet was one of my V words and layers was one of my L words. and when reviewing my list, they just organically joined together and jumped off the page at me.

i realized a couple of days ago that the end of the first quarter, march 31, seems like a natural place to close out my association with this VIBE. i’d previously stated that i wasn’t 100% sure what it even meant. but life has an interesting way of filling in the blank spaces. this is the way i’d describe those violet layers over the first three months of 2024:

•introspection, going within
•shadow work
•moving into unknown areas
•liminal space
•physical pain (sharp, dull, everywhere in between)
•emotional battles
•restlessness, anxiety, fear
•extreme self-care and calming techniques (including yang sheng and EFT tapping)
•new horizons and explorations in art and art therapy

on tuesday i studied my AMVL list of words again, to see what might pop out for the second quarter of the year, april through june. the phrase mosaic alchemy was quickly illuminated for me (a fusion of M & A words). again, not completely certain what the symbolism might reveal, but i look forward once more to figuring it out as i go.


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