fine rain falling

what a beautiful word of the day awaited my awakening . . .


fine rain falling after sunset from a sky in which no clouds are visible
it’s okay to let your guard down once in awhile.
maybe nothing huge happened.
but you’re feeling caught up in daily discomforts.
fine rain falling
allow a tear or two to cleanse the soul.
envision your misty eyes releasing the courage.
after sunset
it’s the end of a long full day.
take some time to relax, regroup, rejuvenate.
from a sky in which
the celestial lid is open.
there are no limits, no boundaries.
no clouds are visible
the gentle mist is over.
looks like a sunny bright day on the horizon.

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14 Responses to fine rain falling

  1. Silvia says:

    Oh my gosh. Love this word and the image it conjures…and you expanded that image so beautifully.

  2. Brenda says:

    April, These words are so soothing to my soul. The more I read, the calmer I became. Very insightful. Thank you!

  3. Beth K .Bedbury says:

    What a lovely word. I love when it rains and there are no clouds in the sky after sunset or before.

  4. Deb says:

    Nothing like taking time to enjoy the beauty we are surrounded by.

  5. Dana says:

    April beautiful word, and I so enjoy your writing. Thank you!

  6. Maria says:

    just lovely April xx

  7. Anne Omland says:

    This is beautiful. Love it!

  8. farah says:

    Ah! So gentle, yet so powerful 🙂 Mmm…

  9. Stacey says:

    You have an amazing way of taking a simple word and making it into something so powerful, breathtaking, and inspiring! Thank you…I know breathe in the feeling of being “serein”

  10. I’ve never heard of that word before! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Your words are soothing, healing and profound. Beautiful!

  11. Susie says:

    I love learning a new word. And a beautiful one at that!

  12. Ooh. I can really feel those words washing over me as I read them. Thanks so much April. Really felt like I’ve been needing a break, and stopping to read this has left me feeling calm + refreshed. I’m such a big fan of rain too. And words! x

  13. roxy says:

    Such a refreshing, soothing and healing post. The power of words.. so poetic and beautiful – thank you for introducing me to a new word that i can add to my vocabulary – now need to figure out how to slip it into conversation that makes it relevant 🙂 ❤ xx

  14. Cathy Sykora says:

    This was very inspiring and relaxing! This would be a great word to hang by your bed or set on your night stand and read just before bed to refresh and re-energize before the next day!
    Love this, great post!

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