eyes open

what inspires me?

  • philosophical discussions over coffee with my husband
  • sunshine
  • wit
  • my two sons’ endless thirst for knowledge, for betterment
  • genuine hugs
  • words. words. words.
  • bravery shown despite real fear (by me, by my clients)
  • clever design with vivid colors
  • my mom (only memories now)
  • song lyrics that evoke emotion in me
  • tales of fascinating lives
  • movement, purpose, vibrancy of cities
  • psychological freedom
  • dreams (awake, asleep)
  • thought pattern unravelment
  • lists like this


what inspires you?

the power of moving the mind to create or to do.
it comes to us in many different shapes and forms.
so keep your EYES OPEN.
start an inspiration journal.
add to it whenever something moves you in the direction you want to go.
and the next time you face one of life’s roadblocks, simply dive into your list.
your answers are awaiting you.

tell me what stimulates, invigorates, exhilarates you.
be inspired.

get my free course!

10 Responses to eyes open

  1. Christina says:

    I totally get inspired by tales of fascinating lives, too! I love biographies of women who over came odds and worked hard to achieve success. The recent bio of Coco Chanel was one of my favorites 🙂

    • April Lee says:

      christina – i read an older biography of coco chanel and was very impressed by her courage and determination. i’ll have to check out her recent bio.

  2. What inspires me:
    Morning Sun
    Really great music
    The taste of green juice
    Great stories
    Watching people be creative

  3. Jan Nelson says:

    Yes, lists like this and all you’ve listed inspire me too! What do your coffee-philosophy discussions with Eric comprise? Decaf vs. Regular? Columbian beans vs. African? Shade Grown vs. Sun Grown?

  4. Oh, what inspires me! Let’s see:

    Morning coffee and journaling
    Playing with my kitties
    Walking around the neighborhood
    Talking to new people
    Great movies
    In-season produce
    New clients

    That’s where my brain stopped :o) What a fun post, thank you!

    • April Lee says:

      thanks for your input, mindy – i adore seeing what motivates others! and your list reminds me that journaling and cats are most definitely inspirations for me too. 🙂

  5. Jen says:

    What a fun blog post… YOU are absolutely inspiring me.
    What else inspires me?

    well-crafted words (moving sentences, quotes, lyrics, blogs, books)
    genuine women who look for and support the best in each other
    nature & the wonder that is the human body
    people who expose the art & beauty inherent in all things
    the unlimited resilience of the human spirit
    my daughter, husband, friends & clients.

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