
we all have struggles that keep us up at night,
things that prevent us from dreaming.

maybe you’re good at keeping your
personal battles hidden, as well as
the fear that might accompany them.

sometimes though, the pain festers
until it becomes quite personal.
and we end up feeling flawed,
like we’re not measuring up.

it’s okay to be angry.
it’s okay to cry.
it’s okay to pound your pillow
and wonder why.

what’s important is that next step.
that mandatory pick-yourself-up next step.
it must follow, it must happen.

invite the tears, allow the anger.
our bodies and souls need an outlet
in order to cleanse.

but always resolve to get back up.
get back up and keep moving.
risk. be vulnerable.

confront your ghosts.
then seek out beauty.
rediscover the light and the laughter
that reside within you.

emerge from the darkness.


will you be joining us?

my italian retreat


One Response to emergence

  1. Colleen braun says:

    Hi April,
    I am checking flights from Spokane Washington where would I fly into that would be closest to you?
    Blessings Love Colleen

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