embrace the colors

a new year is just around the corner,
and thoughts often focus on intentions.
before you plan, before you dream,
commit to engaging in an emotional evaluation.

yes, the process can be uncomfortable.
you have to face and assess
whatever emotions are currently
dominating your time and energy.

and that can be scary, difficult,
even a bit overwhelming.
think about slightly shifting your mindset.
try approaching it this way instead >>

whenever you encounter an emotion
(let’s say it’s fear),
accept it as the kind and effective message
your body and mind are trying to deliver.

even if the fear later
turns out to be unrealistic.
even if the fear later
turns out to be exaggerated.

stop and really pay attention
to your emotion.
then gently begin to respond to it,
out loud if possible.

“hello, fear. thank you for alerting me.
thank you for telling me that
something’s not quite right.

i know that something needs to change.
i want to explore what’s behind you,
what’s making me feel afraid.

i want to get to know you a little better,
to attempt to understand
what you are trying to tell me.”

and suddenly the fear itself
(or whatever emotion you are feeling)
is no longer the enemy, it’s not something
you’re trying to mask or ignore.

it is purely a messenger.
it becomes a friend of sorts, a confidant.
and this creates a whole new perspective,
a different relationship with your emotion.

after awhile it becomes interesting
(dare i say even fun?)
to explore what’s behind
the colors of your emotions.

whatever artificial way you’ve chosen –
to numb, distract, hide yourself –
will cease being important.

instead, in those emotion-rich moments,
what you are experiencing
will simply be exactly who you are.

the delicious details about my next retreat:



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