cut to the chase

when the rains are relentless . . .

insecurities arise.
tempers flare.
wounds open.
doubts linger.
worries abound.
tears flow.


wondering where to put it all.


write to process the grief.
write to calm the agitation.
write to uncover the truth.

and move.

move to restore the breath.
move to free the anxiety.
move to identify the strength.

when the sun’s brilliance shines again . . .

composure resurfaces.
hope emerges.
trust returns.
endurance develops.
serenity comforts.
healing begins.

overcoming is the order of the day.
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3 Responses to cut to the chase

  1. Cathy says:

    Sometimes those are the only steps to take. Slowly, painfully, mind numb and fears alert.
    So beautifully put as usual.

  2. Angela says:

    WOW… this is so powerful. So true. So difficult and so easy all at the same time. I had wanted to write for a long time and felt silly and insecure and unprepared, now that I am writing I see the value. I see the power.
    Thank you for sharing this so beautifully April.

  3. farah says:

    ooh! yes! That’s so true! Getting the hurt emotions out in a healthy way, and of course moving, with intent. Breathing really does change our physiology and therefore what we think and feel. Is so ridiculously simple and natural, yet so overlooked, as we try to process pain intellectually and tie ourselves uo in knots even more! Thank you for your delightful article.

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