choose grit

stepping into the unknown
constantly, continuously
optimism, then despair
forward, back, forward, back
transparencies, complexities
assurances, uncertainties

there’s no sugarcoating it
life feels pretty damn demanding at times
we have difficult decisions to make
unpleasant obstacles to face
challenging roads ahead of us

sometimes there is no quick fix to our troubles
anxiety, fear, and shame constant companions
the best we can do is try to make
wise decisions along the way
believe that each and every moment
we can choose
to go a different direction
to follow an alternate path

are we strong enough
brave enough
gutsy enough?
are we willing to stick it out?
do we have what it takes?

life is about unrelenting discovery
unending exploration
unceasing experimentation

the key, i believe, is to respect
to learn from, to even revel in
the sometimes-messy process
as much as we possibly can

to be dauntless and resourceful
intrepid and brave
throwing it all out there
expressing our emotions
utilizing our voices

no freezing
no pretending
no closing the door

zero miracles and zero excuses
just continuous action
and grit

and after we experience the results
of a few good choices
there’s a bit less suffering
a bit less anxiety the next time

we start to pinpoint when and how
the shifts come about
and we repeat the process, begin going
with the momentum we’ve created

we realize we are in control of our lives
not necessarily in control of every event
but in control of our reactions
in control of choosing to make things
different for ourselves

in the bold dance of life
we choose to be gutsy
we choose grit
i complain
i whine
i make mistakes
i cry

but i still
choose to be gutsy
and i will always always
choose grit

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