Category Archives: my studio notes

The Wheel of Life, Revamped

I’m sad when I drink the last drop of my morning coffee. Afforded the luxury of working/schooling from home, I have a well-proven ritual that allows me to ease into my day . . . time to plan my schedule, journal my feelings and ideas, read motivational words, be inspired.

our emotions give us a glimpse

i do some emotions better than others.

like anger.
that one flares up easily.
the caustic words escaping my mouth
before i am able to catch them.

and sadness.
big fat gloppy tears
that squeeze out of my eyes
and race each other down my cheeks.

4 things i recommend for getting unstuck from that proverbial mud

i am in the midst of experiencing a personal and professional,
miniature existential crisis.

big words for . . .

i am feeling s-t-u-c-k.

countless ideas whirling about.
but nothing concrete happening.

leaving me a bit uninspired.


experiencing an autumn explosion.
vibrant medleys of fall color.
ushering us into cooler days,
in anticipation of a cocoa-infused winter.
and dissecting life.
beginning with my cognitive world.

my goal?
to banish.
from my head, from my life.

straddling two worlds

i woke up monday morning at winterchase (our home base).
exactly one month after awakening in that bed the last time.
(september 20 to october 20).

one cat was at my feet, basking in the warm sunshine.
the other was nestled into the clothes in my suitcase,
(which was right where i’d left it the night before, flung open on the floor.)

a luggage handle had been destroyed (thank you, mexico city).

but get back up.

almost all of us have our own private hell.
something that keeps us up at night.
something that prevents us from dreaming.

sometimes others know about it.
loud and clear.

but most of the time it’s kept hidden.
as well as the fear that accompanies it.

wellness around the world: the south american edition / ARGENTINA

[one year ago, i focused my attention on the wellness habits of six european countries with the installment of my first “wellness around the world” series (the european edition). my plan is to continue that tradition whenever and wherever i travel outside the u.s.]

[welcome to the second installment of my “wellness around the world” series .

wellness around the world: the south american edition / CHILE

[one year ago, i focused my attention on the wellness habits of six european countries with the installment of my first “wellness around the world” series (the european edition). my plan is to continue that tradition whenever and wherever i travel outside the u.s.]

[welcome to the second installment of my “wellness around the world” series .

my 5 core values

what are your core values?

this question came up in an online course recently.
as i briefly skimmed through the assignment,
my first reaction was:
“this will be easy! i think about this stuff all the time!”

and i do.
i am constantly pondering what makes me tick, what is important to me,
what is behind the actions i take, what motivates me.

don’t let it come knocking.

i’ve had a fairly frequent visitor recently.
one i haven’t welcomed with open arms.

in fact, i’ve grown restless during these social calls.
waiting for them to come to a close.

and i’ve also noticed other things happening while my visitor is present.