Category Archives: my studio notes

Dear Bella (letter #2)

I’ve said it before.

I see eating disorder recovery as a journey, a discovery, a stepping stone along the way to becoming a fully integrated person. I see the women who go through this process as extremely bold and beautiful individuals.

who are you?

“the most common despair is not choosing, or willing, to be oneself.
but the deepest form of despair is to choose to be another than oneself.”

~19th century danish philosopher soren kierkegaard
who are you?

do you even know?

it’s gonna be alright

two days ago i was feeling blah.

unproductive. lacking energy.
that overall sensation of listlessness that sometimes pays a visit.

and a close friend said to me:
esprit is a great word for this year!
the cure to your blahs.


you are . . .


you are enough.
you will . . .

keep going.

you do enough.
so many possible worries . . .

about your health.
about your relationships.
about your money.

what’s in a word?

what do i want in 2015?

i want COLOR!
clothing, surroundings, imagination.
i want DANCE!
movement, expression, story.
i want LAUGHTER!
happiness, relief, well-being.
i want POETRY!
imagery, cadence, metaphor.
i want ENERGY!

christmas courage

the christmas season
is filled with cheer and joy.

except when it isn’t.

except when it is
full of grief.
sometimes it isn’t all merry merry,
cookies in the oven,
perfect wreath on the door.

the moon shoots sideways


the moon shoots sideways
i’m under its spell
so i move too

the force trips me up
but only for a brief pause
the tides fight back
then acquiesce as i roll into them

CHAOTIC. the word of the day.


what is strength?

is it muscular capability?
mental stamina?
force or vigor?

is it power through influence or authority?
backbone or brawn?
stability or energy?

strength comes in many forms.
and it surrounds me with its amazing beauty.

when we reach for the stars

when we reach for the stars,
should our feet leave the ground?

sometimes it seems as if we must
suspend reality for awhile,
behave as if our fears weren’t
rooted to the earth quite so firmly.

it may all come toppling down of course,
like a child’s building blocks once proudly
boasting the perfect skyscraper.

my gift to you . . .

on monday i stumbled across a gratitude journal i had kept sporadically in 1997/98.
five things a day that i appreciated, written most days.
i had been devouring the wisdom in sarah ban breathnach’s book,
thus setting out to acknowledge simple abundance in my own life.