Category Archives: my studio notes

your blip in the universe.

life is sometimes very wonderful,
and sometimes very difficult.
but most of the time,
life is just neutral.

remember during the difficult times
that the pain won’t last forever,
that things will eventually shift.

and remember to savor the wonderful times,
to imprint the joy in your heart and in your head,
a stirring reminder to carry you through.

6 travel size containers of inspiration


don’t blame other people for your own errors and inaction.
don’t make excuses when you fail to deliver.
don’t stand in your own way and deny yourself permission to grow.
don’t ignore your powerful potential.

No excuses
Bear the burden


your happiness depends upon it.

have you ever had an obsessive thought?
have you ever ruminated endlessly over something from your past?
most people have experienced this to some extent.
a few have been more plagued by it than others.

with time your obsession with the thought can turn into the actual problem,
rather than the original thought that was bothering you.

What I Am Reading

I love books. And I enjoy reading multiple books at a time, ready for whatever strikes my mood of the moment.

Here is a glimpse into what I am currently reading:

1 – A Year in the World: Journeys of a Passionate Traveller by Frances Mayes

Mayes’ delicious prose makes even the mundane a thing of beauty and wonder, to contemplate and devour.

the summer of strength

mental strength begins when i step out of bed.
it continues while i sip my morning coffee.
mental strength accompanies me throughout my movements.
it sees me through until day’s end.

it’s been quite a summer.
for me, for my whole family.

the summer of silence


not the soothing, peaceful kind.
not the stillness we all crave,
when we’re feeling overwhelmed.

i’m talking about silence that is deafening, unwelcome.
the kind that roars in your ears when you’re wishing
to hear answers instead.

the kind that makes you want to
scream and tear your hair out and crush
the indecision and fear and bewilderment and waiting.

Home is your essence.

A friend of mine recently shared: “You can give a kid roots even in a family that moves a lot. We do this by keeping traditions, keeping some routines the same, and taking some important objects with us wherever we go.

Goodbye, noise.

Goodbye, noise.
Turning off the oh-so-loud chatter in your mind.
Saying a final farewell to the “I’m not good enough”s
And the “why can’t I just”s.

Goodbye, noise.
No longer wishing for a world that doesn’t suit you.
Searching instead for your reason for living,
Your personal pinnacle of transformation.

capture! celebrate! calibrate!

“Man is not born perfect. He is born incomplete, he is born as a process. He is born on the way, as a pilgrim. That is his agony and his ecstasy too; agony because he cannot rest, he has to go ahead, he has always to go ahead.

to the point

yes, there is just one life for you.
and not surprisingly . . . it is your OWN life.

the to-the-point reminder of the week then?

dazzle yourself.

that’s it.
carry on.

what makes you uniquely you?