Category Archives: my studio notes

very very necessary.

we get up.
we do what we need to do.
(sometimes we don’t.)

we go to bed.
(sometimes we sleep.)

we get back up.
another day.
and do it all again.

routine, monotony.
longing for more.
sometimes getting to the finish line.

inspiration from my daily round

have I mentioned that i’ve been feeling
a bit overwhelmed lately? (ha!)
totally inspired, unbelievably excited.
completely committed, stubbornly determined.
but still. a bit overwhelmed.

i don’t like that word though.
kind of cliché, kind of negative.
let’s call it .

yes, fear.

so i had this pretty snazzy blog post all typed up.
full of advice and experience-laden words of wisdom.
about discovering your true essence
(the primary aim of my business),
and also about the dangers of self-sabotage.

i still think the information is helpful.

when you want to hide away from the world

so something happened.
something unpleasant.
not earth-shaking.
not life-changing.
but unsettling all the same.

and you want to hide away from the world.

when you want to hide away from the world
a normal and natural reaction.
especially when life presents you with
an overwhelming display of i-don’t-want-this
all at once.

my vision includes subtitles.

2016. the vision.

2016 vision board (updated)
not surprisingly, my vision board centers around italy.

but not in the decluttering and packing and shipping and goodbye-saying and traveling and moving and language-learning and painting and remodeling and culture-shocking and adapting and settling kind of way.

yes, you are worth it.

weightless poem
are you still battling your eating disorder mind?
are the last vestiges of your illness still stubbornly clinging
to the corners of your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors?

here it is.
a challenging-yet-compassionate nudge.

to take that next step.

two words actually

i will miss my 2015 word of the year.

it was a good word, and it served me well.

i wanted to feel vibrant, animated, exhilarated.
i wanted to delight in being alive, spontaneously encounter joy.
i wanted to experience a sense of “joie de vivre” with every breath.


so deep in my soul.
blazing out of control.
fiercely burning each bright goal.
       no one hears my plea.
       no attention paid to me.
       there’s no lasting guarantee.

cheers to twenty sixteen

welcoming in the new year!

hurrah! hurrah!


2 very big happenings for me in 2016:

ONE. i’m launching my very first e-course, with takeoff on january 25th . . .

weightless (ecourse marketing)
TWO. i’m moving to villa magnolia in tuscany, italy sometime in late summer .

holiday peace

the town hushed and white with snow,
the violet dusk tranquil.
the flocked trees regal and serene,
enveloped in the winter idyll.
sending warm wishes
for a HOLIDAY rich with peace.

essence7 holiday card 2015
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