Category Archives: my studio notes

sculpt your masterpiece.

once upon a time,
over half a century ago,
a baby girl was born.

snow still on the ground that morning in april.
an odd mixture of winter’s remains
and the new growth of spring.

she grew up, mostly happy and whole.

sometimes i just need to cuddle a cat

my blog post was already written up,
all prepared to go.
but then i decided it needed to rest on the shelf for a bit.

part of its further-reaching theme was a chance
to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment
with a situation involving my younger son.

Arriving again and again.

And at last you arrive.
You write the final page,
close the book of experience,
and complete your journey.

But only this particular journey.

Because as one episode ends,
another is introduced.
You find yourself mentally preparing,
as the next slice of life
begins unraveling its intentions.

let the wild ride begin!

okay, so lately i’ve been focusing on
fear and doubt and overwhelm and insecurity
regarding my upcoming relocation.

three weeks ago i wrote all about it in far beyond.
all about the anticipation and the anxiety.

because every day there is unknown territory.

three middle-aged women and three barbies.

ACK and so it begins

sometimes you just have to grab your two very best friends,
and your barbies,
and set off on an epic road trip.

then simply watch the magic unfold . . .

ACK april on horse

ACK mountain and rocks

ACK carol in front seat

ACK airbnb house

ACK muted mountains

ACK misted mountains on going-to-the-sun road

ACK tea party for 6

ACK barbies at tea party (carol's)

ACK kids with barbies

ACK guy with barbies

ACK barbies at snow bridge

ACK favorite spot logan pass

ACK continental divide

ACK me and kellee at st mary lake

ACK kellee seatbelting me in

ACK acorn rock at logan pass

ACK double rainbow

ACK at airbnb house

thank you, carol.
thank you, kellee.
my send-off to italy was THE best.

Are you ready to arrive?





“This has been a life changing course for me. Thank you April
for all you have taught me.”
~Christy, THE ARRIVAL participant

Today I’d like to share a tiny glimpse into my “life changing course” with you.

far beyond.

for those of you who are tired of hearing about my journey to italy
and all that it entails,
please stop here.

for those of you who are interested in witnessing the dramatic emotional shifts
that come with a decision of this magnitude,
please read on.

after the tohubohu

i visited you once, orlando.
three years ago now.
you left an impression of warmth (the sun, the people).

and then . . .

a singer’s meet-and-greet.
christina grimmie gone forever.
(i was a huge fan.)

dancing at the pulse.
49 individuals killed, 53 injured.

15 things i discovered during 15 days on the road.

just back from a road trip to california, june 1 through 15.
(via washington, oregon, nevada, montana, and idaho.)
sharing one discovery i made each day.

  1. goats get lonely and cry too.
  2. a red door always makes me happy.
  3. hot temperatures can delaminate a tire.

Ramblings from the Road

Sometimes a strange thing happens when I travel. The kind of travel that consists of packing up every couple of nights and starting all over again in a new place.

I don’t write as much.

Just small snippets of words carelessly jotted down.