Category Archives: my studio notes

the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 5)

countdown to villa magnolia.
departure in just seven days.

the goodbyes have begun.
and will continue all week.

last tuesday, thursday, saturday, sunday.
dinners, coffee dates, breakfasts.

and more.
last night, tonight, tomorrow through monday.
ending with a quiet goodbye alone with my mom’s ashes.

the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 4)


though the written word is how i best express myself,
it is hard to explain what the last 12 days have felt like.
(especially the last three.)

this venture has been extremely hard in many different ways,
and nine solid days of packing up our lives was exhausting.

the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 3)

well, we are really really doing this.
and it’s hard, as i knew it would be.
(actually it’s even harder than i thought it would be.)

but it’s a good kind of hard.
the kind that means i’m doing what i set out to do.

the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 2)

so many many details to keep track of regarding this move.
and so many things that can go W-R-O-N-G if we’re not careful.
here’s the latest snafu . . .

i posted this on facebook yesterday at 9:36 a.m.


the countdown to villa magnolia.

the courage to lose sight of the shore (part 1)

“you can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

well, what could be more relevant (figuratively and literally) than this quote that popped up in my daily inspiration journal today? it is usually credited to christopher columbus.

Practicing What I Preach

On Sunday evening, I sat down to edit the last module of my e-course. To further clarify and correct its content before this session’s final live week of class. The more I read through one particular passage, however, the more relevant I realized it was in the final month before my move to Italy.

we all need a lift now and then

a special delivery of words,
mine and others.

to inspire and sustain.
to comfort and embolden.

whatever you find yourself yearning for today.







guard your life as your own.
and from this place, enjoy
expansive vitality and freedom.
click to receive my studio notes in your inbox each week.

dream doer (part 2)

i read an article today entitled “do what scares you.”
and i had to laugh (through the constriction in my throat).
does shaking in your (red) boots count as
doing what scares you?

red boots

it inspired me to leave a comment,
explaining how i’m moving to italy in one month.

dream doer (part 1)

as the must-get-dones grow,
as the moments-until-departure near,
both in ever-increasing intensity,
i seem to be caught in a slow-motion dream state.
a bit lethargic in my movement, a bit numb to my reality.
like trying to run through invisible molasses.

my clever sink

three years and three months ago,
i wrote remember the smiling sink.

sink smile

it was a tale about living your life with integrity,
doing what you know you are supposed to do,
especially when making a difficult decision.

i’ve thought about that lesson
many many times since then.