Category Archives: my studio notes

unequivocally mindful

what does it really and truly mean . . .

1) to be mindful?
2) to live in the present?
3) to not dwell in the past?
4) to not worry about the future?
5) to revel in the moment?
well, when you are in a foreign-to-you country, in the midst of .

the saddest word in the dictionary.

things have been sailing along.

lots of progress with the villa renovations.
happy excitement while planning my retreat.
positive and inspiring updates from a & n (sons) in the u.s.

and then a phone call, in the wee hours monday morning.

my everyday life. in italy.

wikipedia defines “everyday life” as that which
“comprises the ways in which people typically
act, think, and feel on a daily basis.”

though it still sounds like a fantastical oxymoron to me,
here are some recent examples of
my everyday life.

the weather, a milestone, and future sparks

rain and wind at vm 4

beating against the windowpanes.

so violent it kept me awake during the night.

unseasonably cool, and a concrete house that isn’t always cozy.

rain and wind at vm 5

following a fabulously fun birthday,
i’ve had a surprisingly sad week.
not-so-cheery news, combined with a list of physical ills,
propelling me into a bleak kind of funk.

most in some, some in most

this last week has been good.
a lot of progress, an upbeat attitude.

but the month before that?
well, let me just say,
when you decide to move to another country . . .

most days are hard in some ways,
and some days are hard in most ways.

Say YES to YOU.

A few of you have indicated to me that you’re oh-so-close to pressing that button and saying YES to my retreat-no-more experience in Italy. Your heart beats a little faster as you contemplate putting yourself FIRST. But then . . .

#748 on the to-do list

replacing sections of the plumbing takes on a whole new meaning in a concrete house . . .

plumbing 1

plumbing 2

nasty old pipe.

plumbing 3

shiny new pipe.

plumbing 4

plumbing 5

lots of debris.

plumbing 6

my husband’s blood.

plumbing 7

my new toilet.

plumbing 8

layers of plaster and concrete.

plumbing 9

plumbing 10

my amazing always-working guy, covered in dust.

unraveling that tangled dream

i’ve been talking about the importance of chasing your dreams for awhile, haven’t i? this facebook memory from one year ago popped up again yesterday:
today I want to hear from YOU! what is YOUR dream? are you actively pursuing it?

update from the villa

busy busy busy at villa magnolia.
preparing our home for its first retreat in june.

i haven’t had much time recently to write,
not even in my journal.
(which is a bit distressing for me.)

but it is what it is,
a season in life.

the reawakening

hello hello hello! i have exciting news to share . . .

THE ARRIVAL at Villa Magnolia

is coming soon!


THE ARRIVAL- retreat no more

for those of you not on facebook (hi, pam! smile),
i wrote my first public words about the retreat on sunday .