Category Archives: my studio notes

none of us

we are all afraid.
we are all lonely.
we are all frustrated.
we are all bewildered.

none of us escapes these human conditions.
none of us conquers darkness every time.
none of us never wonders why.
none of us has it all figured out.

currently i am

yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. (who’s familiar with the wonderful children’s book with those words in its title?)

i thought about telling you all about it, even wrote it all out. but then i decided against sharing it, after reading (and weeping) about a family my niece knows who unexpectedly lost their 12-year-old son this month.

my longest winter

since our family is far away and the 4th thursday in november is just a regular day on the italian calendar, eric and i won’t be celebrating an american thanksgiving today.

yet that on-our-way-to-christmas aura is still there. i’ve been thinking of holidays past, both happy warm times with loved ones and a few sad and lonely times without.

this and that around the villa

this and that around the villa . . . observations, sparks, discoveries:

  1. DISBELIEF – despite paying extremely-high monthly health insurance premiums, our plan in the states did not cover prescription drugs. two years ago i was paying close to $300 for my daily asthma inhaler (about a 2-month supply for me).

how i fight the darkness

  1. i breathe. deeply, slowly, fully.
  2. i write. volumes and volumes of journal pages.
  3. i practice. daily qi gong, gentle yet vital, moving meditation.
  4. i dance. around my studio, to upbeat pop rock favorites.
  5. i read. inspirational uplifting words, escape fiction too.


announcing my next essence7 retreat-no-more experience . . .



SUNDAY, MAY 26 through FRIDAY, MAY 31



and begin planning YOUR unique transformation!

there was a lot of online chatting back-and-forth before my second retreat last may.


some days you want to clarify
illustrate fix and explain
a million and one things
for those who doubt and dismay

you want them to get it
to understand
to get you
to really see you

not sure why
because they won’t
and it shouldn’t
even matter

every time you try connecting
with someone you strongly feel
should know you should like you
but really doesn’t who-knows-why

you feel you must tell them
every single detail
fill in every missing piece
keep trying to bridge that gap
convince them

you’re often disappointed
but you rarely learn your lesson
you usually try again

maybe that’s okay though
maybe it means you haven’t lost
faith in the human race

in the kindness and potential depth
of people reaching out
sharing their stories
sharing their lives

maybe someday you’ll know to
only focus on the right ones
to realize that labels given
don’t always mean people behave as such

once-in-awhile noting too
your own reaction to others
how maybe you respond similarly

words tinged with anger jealousy
and fear more often than you admit
even alone and to yourself

how to change the world
perhaps you will agree
it never hurts to concentrate
on being open light and free


free. healed. whole. (a meditation)

close your eyes, and
take a long deep breath.

in through your nose,
out through your mouth.

repeat the process.
a third time as well.

then . . .
when you release
that last breath . . .

also release any
pain or tension or sorrow
you might be carrying around.

to confront or to cocoon

sometimes it’s important to confront,
to speak out.
it’s important to deal with pressing issues,
and mindfully set out to resolve our problems.

to wear bold colors
and begin the dialogue.

other times it’s necessary to cocoon,
to sit with things.

Feeling Excitement, Anxiety, Rapidly-beating-heart



the word slices through our thoughts.
the feeling slices through our minds and bodies.
what does fear feel like for you?

for me, fear is that heightened sense
that all is not well.