Category Archives: my studio notes

choose grit

stepping into the unknown
constantly, continuously
optimism, then despair
forward, back, forward, back
transparencies, complexities
assurances, uncertainties

there’s no sugarcoating it
life feels pretty damn demanding at times
we have difficult decisions to make
unpleasant obstacles to face
challenging roads ahead of us

sometimes there is no quick fix to our troubles
anxiety, fear, and shame constant companions
the best we can do is try to make
wise decisions along the way
believe that each and every moment
we can choose
to go a different direction
to follow an alternate path

are we strong enough
brave enough
gutsy enough?


what does home mean to me?
september 2012
(after making the decision to sell our home in washington state and become global nomads)

we are headed toward not having an actual physical place to call home and, during the process of geographically untethering our lives, we have discussed and explored what home really means to us.

the 26-year quest

i have wanted a pink house since my oldest son was two years old. that was in 1995.

it was the summer, almost 27 years ago, that our young family was moving from seattle washington to anchorage alaska. we were planning to paint our newly-purchased home when we arrived.

and then there was the pink house

i’ve spent the first days of 2022 e-a-s-i-n-g into my annual rah-rah “new year/new me” ritual. i knew it wouldn’t happen january 1. that’s a myth i’ve told myself in years past. this time i was more honest in my outlook.

the untangling

hi. remember me?

i know it’s been a long long while since i sent out my studio notes. and a lot has happened, to each of us, in the meantime. i promise i’ll fill you in about my last 11 months in an upcoming blog post (i have a new year’s resolution to stay more consistent).

i decide

i’ve created vision boards for many years, and i typically have ideas in mind before i begin. images of what i would like to see happening in my life, the i-have-a-clear-focus technique. i then intentionally seek ways to represent those aspirations as i complete the board (with a few unexpected surprises here and there).

strongest and bravest

i like to talk about how i feel. the good, the bad, the meh times. when i discuss feeling confused or anxious, depressed or frightened, bewildered or angry, disappointed, sad, even despairing . . . i’m not looking for a solution.

my lifeline

it’s been awhile
and much has happened
i’m currently in the states
a curious story in itself

but today i think a
welcoming-the-new-year post
is more appropriate than
merely filling in the blanks

for the 11th time in a row
i’ve chosen a word
to accompany me
throughout the next 12 months


this word has been calling to me for awhile.

one long tunnel

“but that’s life. one long tunnel. there are lights along the way. sometimes they feel spread farther apart than others, but they’re there. and when you find one, it’s okay to stand under it for a while to catch your breath before marching back into the dark.”

~shaun david hutchinson

’nuff said.

magnificence, revisited

stand tall, walk proud
even if you’re not feeling capable

think back, acknowledge strength
remember how you fought your way through

push limits, applaud progress
even if you’re not feeling confident

reflect often, recognize grit
remember how you never gave up

ignore naysayers, risk jumping
even if you’re not feeling courageous

consider growth, appreciate movement
remember how truly magnificent you were
we are always seeking and searching and exploring, always becoming.