begin the momentum

we just need to begin.

wherever there is motion,
there is momentum,
and we can easily begin the process.

of course, there will be obstacles,
things that get in the way of
our wheels turning efficiently.

simply be aware.
notice and adjust.
forgive and restart.

on august 1, i chose the mantra BEGIN as a way to move forward this month.

it corresponded beautifully that day with lughnasa, the traditional time to celebrate the beginning of the harvest season (halfway between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox). it was also the third day of the waxing crescent moon (the first step, as a crescent-shaped sliver, toward the full moon).

these events offered me the perfect time to pause and check in with myself. a powerful opportunity to examine what i’ve already planted and reflect on the things i still want to grow in my life, my personal harvest. to tackle things with added energy, and with the expectation of something new coming into my world.

since this lunar phase presents a major opportunity for change, for a call to action, i’ve been focusing on and fine-tuning my daily rituals over the past three days. on how and why they inspire and strengthen my bigger visions and dreams. the seeds for the blooms. halfway.

i can feel the energy, i can sense the growth.

💚 the pink house. villa magnolia. THE ARRIVAL, my retreat. my essence. 💚

an invitation to act boldly.
[and incidentally, for the first time ever, i am nurturing beautiful flowers on my porch. feels poetically symbolic to me.]

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