awakened by a dream

i have been awakened by a dream.

but wait . . .
this is actually a check-in about my word of the year.

the experts say it takes 21 days to create a habit.

well . . . honestly?
for me, it takes longer.

maybe double that time.
maybe more.

because i tend to make it through the first 21 days,
and then think “i’ve done it! on to something else.”
it hasn’t yet become a habit for me,
just another checked box.
and i frequently get bored, somewhat restless.
(one reason i’m not comfortable living in one particular place.)

i need to think about it, write about it, talk about it.
often before i even attempt it.

and i’m okay with this.
i know it’s my own personal process and i still get things done.
(even if i have to push through a bit of procrastination now and again.)

but when my experimentation with a fresh practice gets to a certain point
(two months later? four months later? i know when i get there),
a shift occurs.
i realize i sincerely WANT to keep doing it.
it has become important in my life.

and though i have my share of ups and downs,
i think being audacious has truly become a habit.

so, six months into the year, here is a list of my audacious accomplishments:

  • an original poem of mine published online
  • a small collaborative role in an upcoming eating disorders book
  • a concentrated study of art therapy
  • a plan to attend a national eating disorders conference in texas in october
  • a weekly coffee date with a friend who not only inspires me, but dreams and invents with me
  • an upcoming sojourn to a labyrinth in montana with that same friend
  • a tentative agenda for the next south american journey this fall with my husband
  • a 10-day educational road trip with my family
  • a luscious solo retreat weekend
  • a monthly creative mastermind group that has taken on an incredible life of its own
  • a new way of looking at our family’s ongoing unschooling adventure

not only that.
suddenly, halfway through 2014,
i feel as if my audacious goals have been picking up speed.
my ambitions are catching fire.

i have been awakened by a dream.

i have entered a new phase of my business.
an emotional revolution.
and i feel genuinely alive.

i know exactly what i am here to do.
with the utmost clarity.

and at long last, after holding this dream close,
i will finally be making it happen.

i am ready.
to push myself further, to share my vision with more people.
with each step of this next chapter of my calling.
the first phase will begin with a small surprise (coming soon!)
for those of you who receive my weekly studio notes.

then this autumn i will be introducing the second phase.

and during the spring of 2015, the third and final phase.
when i chose to be audacious in january, this was my pledge:

i’m seizing the day.
making everything count.
getting things done.
moving steadily forward.
capturing my dreams.

and this is what i vowed to do:

to never settle.
to travel deeper.
to discover.
to take action.
to bring on the fireworks.
to soar.

i’m happy with my progress.
i’m bursting with new ideas and fabulous dreams.
i’m thrilled about the direction essence7 is headed.
i’m enthusiastic about living my life, both untethered and integrated.

did you choose a word of the year?
has it accurately epitomized your movements during 2014?
please share your word and your lessons/reactions/triumphs in the comments.
i love my word.
it makes me dive deeper, reach farther.

i have been awakened by a dream.

bring on july through december!
get my free course!

21 Responses to awakened by a dream

  1. Kellee Mills says:

    You are SO inspiring! I hope to achieve clarity one day!

  2. Yvelette says:

    Wonderful post! I really enjoyed reading this. Faith is the word for me.

  3. I love your word too! And I have felt the shifts with the clarity you’ve been rewarded for your commitment to your practices – and can’t wait to see what surprises you have in store!

  4. Stacey says:

    I chose an anchor word in January…manifestation. I had no idea where the word would lead but it has taken on a completely new meaning this week. I can’t wait to learn more about your phases and development of your practice. And btw, as someone who has recovered from an eating disorder, you are doing great work in the world!!!

  5. Beth says:

    What a great word, April! I have a word for the year, too, although I didn’t choose it. I drew an angel card and the word was balance. It reads, “if you are considering making dramatic life changes, then this card asks you to approach those changes slowly and methodically.” I’ve been trying to take that advice as I AM making major life changes, like quitting my day job. Love your writing style, April, and all you have accomplished.

  6. I love the idea of a word of the year, though I’d probably make it “of the quarter” or something since I don’t think I could stick to just one all year!

  7. Creating a community of people working together on a vision
    is always such a positive step forward. Between yourself, your creative group, and once a week with another all seems to the best! Congratulations on your accomplishments. I may be late to the party, but I may choose a word.

  8. Jillian says:

    You’re doing great, April! So glad to hear that you’re gaining momentum. That is encouragement for me to keep going too!

  9. Barbara Coon says:

    Alice your post inspired me to awaken and nourish one of my newer daily practices, that like you, I had let drift away. I even reread my new year journal to remember if my yearly word was “thrive.” I am grateful that in my body I feel the scintillating aliveness of thriving!

  10. Kate says:

    I love this word too! And love how it’s driving you into your own power 🙂 I think my word of the year would be Mastery xxx

  11. Deb says:

    My word for the year is – completion – I have so many half complete books etc that this is the year to complete and launch – some projects I have been working on over the last 12 months. And of course, there will be the next round of creation and completion etc etc etc xxxx

  12. Susie says:

    I did choose a word this year. Clarity.

    I have had a lot of responsibilities and opportunities both personal & professional. Even though it sometimes feels as though we are checking things off the list. Each one is providing me with the clarity of what I want to create. Thank you for allowing me to reflect. XO

  13. Lorna says:

    I didn’t choose a word April, but reading through all you have done makes me wish that I had. Congratulations and keep it up sister! Love your posts.

  14. Cathy says:

    My word was “sustainable expansion” which has been working well in some areas of my life, where I’m doing the foundation work. You’ve reminded me that some of the expansion’s not happening because the sustainability’s not set up. Thanks for the. Check-in, April.

  15. Anne Omland says:

    Congratulations, April! This is such an inspiring article! I had a word of the year but have added a new one recently- it’s joy. I have a tendency to take my work and my aspirations seriously and in doing so I squeeze the joy out of it. I’ve committed just last month to take on this word and to apply it everyday to my life- to allow things to be light and free and joyful. Plus, it balances out my ambitious side nicely I think. 🙂

  16. S says:

    another beautiful post.
    I’m exactly the same with habits, it takes me AGES for them to stick, 21 days is not enough for me.
    I can’t wait to get our subscriber surprise!!

  17. Cathy Sykora says:

    Great post! I agree about it taking longer than 21 days to truly form a habit. I read somewhere that it takes 21 days for a new habit to become a habit, but about 6 months for it to become a part of you where it feels foreign to not partake in it.

  18. Suzanne Gray says:

    I didn’t come up with a word. But since “Christmas in July” is all over television right now, I’m going to think of one and start now.

  19. Elizabeth MacLeod says:

    Love your writing and love the journey you share with us. Audacious. What a great word. you know… I picked a word, but I don’t remember what it is!!! maybe that’s because I’m too busy with my core words of deep desire!!!~ So, if I were to pick one, I think it would be ‘FUN’ right now… Starting now… well, starting a few days ago, but now, I state it!!! I have planned to go to a movie on Friday nite… dawn of the planet of the apes … LOL… love ape movies!!! and usually in the summer, I just don’t get a chance, but this summer, I have determined to make fun happen through the luscious business…. and now… I declare… this is my word. FUN!!!! 😀 YEAH!@!!! thanks april~

  20. Oooh, I love your audaciousness–and your audacious energy! Going to give some thought to what word I’d pick! Thanks for the great post, April. 🙂

  21. I love this. Ok, so my word(s) for the year are “wholehearted and happy.” Yes, I choose to make it a habit to do everything in my life and business from the heart, and be happy always. Not an easy task…but I am well on my way to creating two wonderful habits in my life.

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