Arriving again and again.

And at last you arrive.
You write the final page,
close the book of experience,
and complete your journey.

But only this particular journey.

Because as one episode ends,
another is introduced.
You find yourself mentally preparing,
as the next slice of life
begins unraveling its intentions.

Good and bad,
joyful and grieving,
you battle your way through
glimpses into the abyss,
until the eventual lifting of the soul.
Still much richness to grasp,
much wonder to witness.

And you realize you will never fully arrive.
Again and again you will choose
to anchor and settle,
and then to embark once more.

Arriving again and again.
as the next slice of life 4

THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true


THE ARRIVAL (August 1)


Is it finally YOUR turn?

Are you finally ready to chase and catch your DREAMS?


Only a few more days until TAKEOFF!

Join me AUGUST 1.


Come aboard this personally guided tour to a more meaningful existence.

(Want to read all of the details? Click tab directly below.)



Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.

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3 Responses to Arriving again and again.

  1. April says:

    You are AMAZING, life-changing, and inspiring!! Love your words, love your message. Just sayin’ <3 <3 <3

  2. Lori says:

    Here’s to new beginnings, April!! Wishing you wonder and joy in all that you experience. xoxo, Lori

  3. Pam says:

    “So much richness to grasp” – that’s gorgeous.

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