Are you ready to arrive?





“This has been a life changing course for me. Thank you April
for all you have taught me.”
~Christy, THE ARRIVAL participant

Today I’d like to share a tiny glimpse into my “life changing course” with you. The following excerpt is from the third module, essential element #3 / NOURISHMENT.
What is your sense of purpose? What nourishes and feeds your soul? What do you try to integrate into each day that speaks to your core, to the essence of who you are?

Whether it’s in the form of a career you are passionate about, relationships that bring added meaning to your existence, or a deeper understanding of the role spirituality plays, we are all in search of meaning in our lives. A reason to be, a reason to continue, a reason to wake each morning. I firmly believe that you already know what those reasons are. But I also know that you may sometimes feel unsure or unclear, unable to connect to your reasons. It is time to start breaking down the resistance, to start looking within, to start spending a few minutes a day in introspective exploration.

When you recognize the importance of nourishment (all you need to do at this point), the rest of the puzzle often starts falling into place. You learn to practice self-care, to make inquiries with an open mind, to resolve underlying conflicts.

Rather than willpower, which tends to have a negative connotation and usually refers to success or failure with not much in between, think in terms of willingness. Be willing to understand your behavior.

Willingness = not avoiding. And it’s a far more valuable ally than willpower. You begin to see that, though you cannot control events or change them, you can control your reactions to them. You get to decide. You’re in charge.

Understandably, there is fear around opening these floodgates. But you can approach your struggles one at a time, in doable amounts. We all have “issues.” They are part of the human condition. We are all on the same page, on the same path, as fellow human beings. The difference is how these so-called issues manifest in our lives, how we nourish ourselves around them.

What is “the next step” that you’ve been avoiding on the path to your dream?
What keeps you from just going after your dream?
What have you been doing instead of (or to avoid) refeeding your soul?
How can you create a life that is so fabulous you won’t want to avoid it?


“Oh gosh, I love this course! It’s all I want to do!”
~Mary, THE ARRIVAL participant

You know what you want to do. You know what you have to do.

It’s been niggling at the back of your mind for months, maybe even for years.

Perhaps you’ve planned it all out already, in precise detail. What you will do and how you will do it. You just need to take that decisive next step and enter into it.

Or maybe the vision still comes to you in a shadowy form. Still vague and shapeless, yet intriguing enough to keep thinking about it. And thinking about it . . .

What is your unrealized dream? What is holding you back from making it a reality? Are you depriving yourself of attaining your highest ideal?

THE ARRIVAL will help you begin your journey. Your journey to your core, to your essence. Your journey to whatever in life you are seeking.

You know what you want to do. You know what you have to do.

I’m holding out my hand to you. Is it time to come aboard?

Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.


THE ARRIVAL: the quintessential essence7 journey

to making your dreams come true


THE ARRIVAL (August 1)


Is it finally YOUR turn?

Are you finally ready to NOURISH yourself in style?

Are you ready to ARRIVE?

Beginning AUGUST 1.

Open to ALL women.


Join me on this personally guided tour to a more meaningful existence!

(Want to read all of the details? Click tab directly below.)



Retreat no more.

Choose to arrive.

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(and get my complimentary guide to weightless as my gift to you!)
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3 Responses to Are you ready to arrive?

  1. April says:

    OMG, EVERYONE needs your course, April!! That excerpt alone speaks to that voice in our heart, the one we so often keep quieted. With your education, experience and innate talent in dealing with these issues of the human condition, I couldn’t think of a better person to guide all of us on our journey!! August 1st can’t come soon enough!!

  2. Angela] says:

    WOW April, This looks like an amazing journey. The Arrival. I love that! So many people are wobbly right now with all that’s going on in the world, I can’t think of anyone better to guide women to their own Arrival. <3

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Well, before I say anything…. I LOVE THE NAME OF THIS COURSE… it says it all! I know, anyone who takes your hand will be in the best of care with the most nourishing guidance.

    and these four questions you asked. I have to answer them…

    What is “the next step” that you’ve been avoiding on the path to your dream?
    commitment and focus

    What keeps you from just going after your dream?
    The myriad of technology

    What have you been doing instead of (or to avoid) refeeding your soul?
    How can you create a life that is so fabulous you won’t want to avoid it?
    Keep my eye on the prize …

    The Arrival… These questions have me already started. I understand what you are doing … brilliant… and the name of this course after answering your questions… perfect… I felt like I arrived… I would say… that is an awesome and accurate assessment… and I LOVE IT…. You are brilliant …


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